Tax Rebate deal reached

The idea of eliminating pork to cut spending is a fairy tale offered up by charlatans like McCain. It's not going to reduce spending significantly and pork is an inherent part of government. We can certainly make efforts to reduce it but we cannot eliminate it. Most of the arguments on pork and earmarks are just about who gets to hand it out, the legislative or executive branches.

Infrastructure is a small part of the federal budget and it should be even smaller. Local and state governments are better suited to pay for it and since the benefits derived are nearly all local they are more likely to focus on it being cost effective. As long as California, New York, etc. are paying for the bridge in Alaska, the locals have little incentive to care about cost. However, if they are paying for it themselves they are going to care about it.

So you are saying that a state that has few people should stay in the dark ages because they cannot afford to upgrade ?

In that train of thought I suppose alaska should sell all their oil instead of the feds selling it ?
That is states rights.
So you are saying that a state that has few people should stay in the dark ages because they cannot afford to upgrade ?

In that train of thought I suppose alaska should sell all their oil instead of the feds selling it ?
That is states rights.

No, millions of other from outside should dump money into developing places that no one wants to live in and see if they can't wreck the environment. We need as much urban sprawl as we can afford.

No, millions of other from outside should dump money into developing places that no one wants to live in and see if they can't wreck the environment. We need as much urban sprawl as we can afford.

Yeah right push an issue to the ridiculous edge to try and make your point. Urban sprawl in alaska ??? or several other states for that matter.
If you ran the country we would still be in one room schools. Hmm maybe that would be an imporvement as I went to one and turned out ok.

And every road in america should be a privitized toll road, that way you pay for what you use.
Oh not even close huh? You poor thing SF. Here’s my shoulder, cry on it. Poor SF, his Gucci loafers are squeezing his toes. He can’t jam all of his hundreds into his wallet without it bulging and hurting his butt.

I mean, like.... really.... I just lost a ski at Steamboat and had to get a new set of skis.... I could have really used that $600

Gucci sucks... no wallet... just a clip

Why the fuck should I not be able to stimulate OTHER sectors of the market?

That is the biggest sham of this... Not only are we giving income tax rebates to people that do not pay income taxes... by giving all the money to people living paycheck to paycheck, the odds of them spending the money on the same sectors is pretty high.

Poor me. :mad::(:D
Yeah right push an issue to the ridiculous edge to try and make your point. Urban sprawl in alaska ??? or several other states for that matter.

Kind of like the dark ages comment?

If you ran the country we would still be in one room schools. Hmm maybe that would be an imporvement as I went to one and turned out ok.

Huh? Stupid assertion with nothing to support it.

And every road in america should be a privitized toll road, that way you pay for what you use.

Strawman and the same sort of hyperbole you complain about above.

This is, again, just another copout and cover fire for the status quo. I don't have a problem with a bare minimum of infrastructure provided federally but it should be so small that the pork you complain about would stick out like a sore thumb.
So unfair. Its not like people making $75,000.01 are living the high life by any stretch of hte imagination.
So unfair. Its not like people making $75,000.01 are living the high life by any stretch of hte imagination.

BUT if u got some deductions then u can be making more then 75k and get your agi down to it. 401k? mortgage interest? school? charitable..
So unfair. Its not like people making $75,000.01 are living the high life by any stretch of hte imagination.

Actually compared to most of this world, and even compared to most of this country, that’s exactly what someone making over 75 k is doing.
So unfair. Its not like people making $75,000.01 are living the high life by any stretch of hte imagination.

Just think, if someone makes $75,000.01 in NYC... they get nada.

Someone in Toad Suck, Arkansas (with about 1/3 of the cost of living in NYC) makes $74,999.99 and they get $600.

yeah, that sounds about right. fuckers.
Actually compared to most of this world, and even compared to most of this country, that’s exactly what someone making over 75 k is doing.

yes thats accurate.. but the key there is (most) take 75K as single person in NY, LA, NJ, Boston, or any other affluent expensive city and see what it gets you. EVERYTHING is double. So if u call making 37,500 well to do.. well i dont know what to tell yah.