Tax Reform in America

Stop relying so heavily on income tax, that's the least fair way to do it. You are basically taxing those who are working to better their situation. Rely more on taxing intergenerational savings or inheritance, that way you are not taxing those who are working hard for their money.

Tax passive income and unearned income.
And a 'progressive' tax rate is unfair to those at the higher ends.
No it's not. As long as the progressive rate of taxation doesn't exceed the percentage of the wealth that class controls it's fair. Even if it does exceed that ratio to some degree it's still fair as the wealthy benefit far more from government services than the average person does.
Oh flat taxes would work. It would just shfit the burden of taxation from the wealthy to the middle and working classes.

which would not be very well received by the majority of Americans and they would NOT allow it to be law very long.

It wont work for our society.
""The 6.1 billion hours Americans waste each year complying with tax rules"" (from the article)

I don't see how this is in any way productive for our country unless you are one of the tax attorney or accountants who personally benefits from all the confusion. I played golf yesterday with my buddy who is a tax attorney and i'm listening to what he's working on and i'm just shaking my head at how complicated the system is. My friend went to Harvard Law (actually had Elizabeth Warren as a professor) and he didn't fully understand everything in his two deals he was telling me about. It guys like him don't get it how are regular folks like us to suppose to understand it?
Well neither do I but then there's the 16 trillion hours we waste watching re-runs of Gilligans there is that.
which would not be very well received by the majority of Americans and they would NOT allow it to be law very long.

It wont work for our society.
Not sure about that paraprhase one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
I fail to see how rich people paying more shifts a burden but, sure.

Pretending that a revenue neutral flat tax wouldn't have any distributive impact on the rich and the poor is kinda silly. I mean, the poor will pay more. That's generally a given. Depending where you set the rate, the rich (depending on how you define that term) may pay more or less. But there will be some shift in teh burden of taxation.
what would that solve?

Well, it WOULD cause ILA to promptly go out and try to become the "Watermelon Man" in real life.

(For those who haven't seen that movie - highly recommend it. White male bigot turns black overnight. Amazing how his perspective changes.)
Well, it WOULD cause ILA to promptly go out and try to become the "Watermelon Man" in real life.

(For those who haven't seen that movie - highly recommend it. White male bigot turns black overnight. Amazing how his perspective changes.)

Keep taunting. Won't work. Keep showing your Darla side