Taxes have nothing to do with growth


Per-capita GDP growth vs. tax revenue as % of GDP from 1970 to 2007


See any correlation?
What does that have to do with this thread \\(loser)//? But since you're interested, I paid income taxes last year. You've been on the board all day, turn your computer off and go outside to get some fresh air. I would let you ride one of my horses, but they don't like stupid losers.

Poor Stalin.

It has to do with this inane post of yours, which is in this thread.

Great, then tax us all at 100% to prove your theory.

Now, go mount your horse, unless you'd rather stimulate some semen out of your "stud", loser.

Maybe you should let your 6 year old post since you suck at it, due to your stupidity.
Poor Stalin.

It has to do with this inane post of yours, which is in this thread.

Now, go mount your horse, unless you'd rather stimulate some semen out of your "stud", loser.

Maybe you should let your 6 year old post since you suck at it, due to your stupidity.

It has nothing to do with my post \\(loser)//. You have yet to address my post in any reasonable sense. I would appreciate it if you would stop having sexual fantasies about stimulating my horse. Some friendly advice, you really shouldn't be calling others stupid as you are hands down the dumbest person I've come across on this board. You're even dumber than Retard of Dune. How does that make you feel?

Please, do yourself a favor and turn your computer off and get some fresh air. It won't help your stupidity, but it might make you feel better.
It has nothing to do with my post \\(loser)//. You have yet to address my post in any reasonable sense. I would appreciate it if you would stop having sexual fantasies about stimulating my horse. Some friendly advice, you really shouldn't be calling others stupid as you are hands down the dumbest person I've come across on this board. You're even dumber than Retard of Dune. How does that make you feel? Please, do yourself a favor and turn your computer off and get some fresh air. It won't help your stupidity, but it might make you feel better.

Again Stalin's fear of my logic is manifested in a plea for me to quit posting. He asked to be taxed at 100% in order to test Waterstain's theory, and then lost his nerve.
Again Stalin's fear of my logic is manifested in a plea for me to quit posting. He asked to be taxed at 100% in order to test Waterstain's theory, and then lost his nerve.

I plead with you to quit posting? I lost my nerve? You are severely mentally retarded. I never plead and never lost my nerve. You are just a liar like when you claimed I called you a democrat. When you can't rationally discuss issues with the person, you resort to lies. Suggesting you take a break and get some fresh air is not a "plea" for you to "quit posting". You are a boring troll liar. If you don't want to take my advice and get some fresh air and instead you want to spend all your time on this board, have it \\(loser)//. Let the rest of enjoy the fresh air while you angrily pound out your frustrations, of being an impotent loser, on the keyboard.

Your existence is meaningless when you live your entire life onine.

Poor Stalin.

Oh, so you have to alter my quotes to make look like I said something I did not. Let's see, just the other day you claimed someone else did that you and you called them a liar. Thus, you have proven yourself a liar once again. \\(liar)// does not want fresh air, he would rather sit in front of his computer all day instead of living life. Are you by chance physically disabled and confined to a wheelchair? If so, that would explain why you sit in front of your computer all day furiously typing away on this board, and who knows how many other sites you visit.
Oh, so you have to alter my quotes to make look like I said something I did not. Let's see, just the other day you claimed someone else did that you and you called them a liar. Thus, you have proven yourself a liar once again. \\(liar)// does not want fresh air, he would rather sit in front of his computer all day instead of living life. Are you by chance physically disabled and confined to a wheelchair? If so, that would explain why you sit in front of your computer all day furiously typing away on this board, and who knows how many other sites you visit.

You lied. You lose. You're going to hell.

It has nothing to do with my post \\(loser)//. You have yet to address my post in any reasonable sense. I would appreciate it if you would stop having sexual fantasies about stimulating my horse. Some friendly advice, you really shouldn't be calling others stupid as you are hands down the dumbest person I've come across on this board. You're even dumber than Retard of Dune. How does that make you feel?

Please, do yourself a favor and turn your computer off and get some fresh air. It won't help your stupidity, but it might make you feel better.

You lied. You lose. You're going to hell.

Huh? You are truly retarded. Suggesting you to do yourself a favor and get some fresh air is not pleading. You altered my quotes, thus, you are a proven liar. You are just an angry little boy because I keep proving your lies. If it makes you so angry, go outside and get some fresh air. I don't care whether you do or not, if you can't take friendly advice and get so upset that it causes you to lie and claim that advice equals pleading, then take a long walk off of a short pier for all I care \\(liar)//.
Huh? You are truly retarded. Suggesting you to do yourself a favor and get some fresh air is not pleading. You altered my quotes, thus, you are a proven liar. You are just an angry little boy because I keep proving your lies. If it makes you so angry, go outside and get some fresh air. I don't care whether you do or not, if you can't take friendly advice and get so upset that it causes you to lie and claim that advice equals pleading, then take a long walk off of a short pier for all I care \\(liar)//.

Clearly, hell-fire awaits you for your lying.

You pleaded with me to turn off my computer. Your fear is palpable.

Are your horses shying away from you?