You're being pedantic.
You're being delusional. Your theory is wrong and my test proved it.
You're being pedantic.
Why do you hate the working people who build yachts?Because there are better things to do with them than allow the rich to buy more yachts.
You're being delusional. Your theory is wrong and my test proved it.
Yep, it's trivially wrong, if you're being pedantic and annoying. It is clear that, at rates that are practiced in the real world in OECD countries, it has nothing to do with growth. This includes places like Denmark, who have ridiculously high taxes - 60% rate starting at 70k a year, and a 25% sales tax.
Your premise is flawed.
You claim that taxes have nothing to do with growth.
When presented with a tax rate to test your theory, you clam up and claim "pedantic".
Your premise doesn't hold water, you can say I am narrow minded all day long,
but it does not change the fact your premise is flawed.
It was a simplified statement for the purpose of headline, not a scientific hypothesis. It is OK to simplify the statement to a point where it is not true in all cases for stylistic purposes as long as you elaborate on your point in your argument and make the concept you are trying to present clear. Ignoring my argument and concentrating on my headline is pedantic, because it is clear that you know what I mean and are just trying to avoid my point.
That was a simplification of my argument for stylistic purposes. People do this all the time and it's a perfectly valid rhetorical tool. Like when people embed within a long argument: "Lower tax rates produce more revenue!" I could respond by saying "Oh yeah? What about 0% huh?". But that would be pedantic. My claim is that tax rates in the 20 OECD countries have had no discernible effect on economic growth from the period of 1970 to 2007, the implication being that raising taxes here will not hurt economic growth. It's a bit wordy for a title.
[puh-dan-tik] Show IPA
overly concerned with minute details or formalisms
It's a good description of how you're being.
I never said you were narrow minded. "Narrow minded" would be a poor description of how you are being in this instance.
The rhetorical simplification of my argument proves too much. That's obvious. It should be obvious to you that it's not the complete description of my argument. It's purpose is to define the general gist of the argument, which is later narrowed down in the text.
Your weak attempt to save your premise from demise is as flawed as the titled premise. Your puerile attempt at appearing erudite by using language more fitting for pompous ivory tower blow hards, while amusing, misses the mark. There was nothing else to go on except for your title. You did not elaborate or give any indication you believed anything other than your title. There was no simplification of your claim or premise. It was taken at face value and since you left no indication otherwise, you are held to the very argument made. Where in the OP or any other post did you narrow your argument down?
In order to avoid propounding over simplified flawed premises, in the future, you should immediately clarify or narrow statements, that on their face, necessarily mean something without a clarification. Had you simply said in the OP the range you meant, you could have avoided this tedious and verbose ivory tower proclamation.