APP - tea party party

seems that the tea party folks have started their own party in florida as a break from the republican party and are talking about registering in other states

seems that to the tea party folks the republicans are not conservative enough

It just keeps getting better and better!:clap:
Lives on lies? So to be against this massive new health care entitlement and spending is to live on lies? To be against the governments involvement in the automobile industry is to live on lies?

Yeah, Wack...because the Teabaggers are so much better informed on the situations, as I demonstrated in my threads regarding the Teabagger DC Follies!

Dumbasses eagerly bent over for the Shrub with a smile and said, 'please sir, may I have another'. But they lose an election fair and square, have a black man in the White House, and NOW they're mad as hell.

Let 'em split off, maybe it'll open the door for a decent 3rd party alternative to all this BS. But this WON'T bode well for the GOP in general.
Yeah, Wack...because the Teabaggers are so much better informed on the situations, as I demonstrated in my threads regarding the Teabagger DC Follies!

Dumbasses eagerly bent over for the Shrub with a smile and said, 'please sir, may I have another'. But they lose an election fair and square, have a black man in the White House, and NOW they're mad as hell.

Let 'em split off, maybe it'll open the door for a decent 3rd party alternative to all this BS. But this WON'T bode well for the GOP in general.

As I posted earlier on this thread I have no problem if people break away from the Republican Party based on principle. Lord knows the Republicans don't have any other than to beat the Democrats.
Yeah, Wack...because the Teabaggers are so much better informed on the situations, as I demonstrated in my threads regarding the Teabagger DC Follies!

Dumbasses eagerly bent over for the Shrub with a smile and said, 'please sir, may I have another'. But they lose an election fair and square, have a black man in the White House, and NOW they're mad as hell.

Let 'em split off, maybe it'll open the door for a decent 3rd party alternative to all this BS. But this WON'T bode well for the GOP in general.

LOL The Teabagee said Teabagger.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Yeah, Wack...because the Teabaggers are so much better informed on the situations, as I demonstrated in my threads regarding the Teabagger DC Follies!

Dumbasses eagerly bent over for the Shrub with a smile and said, 'please sir, may I have another'. But they lose an election fair and square, have a black man in the White House, and NOW they're mad as hell.

Let 'em split off, maybe it'll open the door for a decent 3rd party alternative to all this BS. But this WON'T bode well for the GOP in general.

LOL The Teabagee said Teabagger.
