Tea Party Politics

Deliberate sabotage of the US economy. (2011-present)

The Republican Congress has made no bones about it: They are deliberately and fanatically blocking any measure to improve the economic situation in this country or mitigate the suffering Americans experience due to the recession they inflicted on us, just so they can blame a Democratic President and benefit politically from harming their own country. They have said as much, openly and proudly. The GOP is a party of traitors, period.

Mitch McConnell has told his conference that ‘We’re not doing anything, we won’t make a single move between now and the election, because any move could be risky, and all of the shit is sliding down on President Obama.’
So, they’re not going to do anything, they’ve talked about this very clearly among themselves.
The Republicans aren’t going to make a single move between now and the election, because anything they do carries with it the “risk” that the economy improves.

Is that “treason?”

Hey wingnuts...
What do you call it when a small group of men plot to destroy the American economy for political gain? I call it treason.

I know your attention span is about 30 seconds but try to pay attention for 7 minutes...

Another clueless leftist who thinks Obama is not the Leader of the nation. The only man to be blamed for crashing anything in this economy is the man at the TOP.

Here's a video for you; see if you have the comprehension and attention span to understand what it is saying:

Obama's only honest and lucid moment in his entire political life.
your lame video has nothing to do with the treason committed by the Republicon party. Stick to the question. Stay on point and answer my question.

What do you call it when a small group of men plot to destroy the American economy for political gain?
I just explained how good the middle class Is doing while you showed your financial ineptness in getting the 72t calculation totally wrong.
You angry teabagger
did the middle class pay range move to start at 6 digits then? because i'm not seeing any of my peers doing better.
your lame video has nothing to do with the treason committed by the Republicon party. Stick to the question. Stay on point and answer my question.

I didn't think you would get it because you support this dullard. So let me try to spell it out for you; it is called L E A D E R S H I P. It requires E X P E R I E N C E. Two things Obama glaringly lacks.

When you combine this with an arrogant buffoon whose only experience is community organizing you reach the level of discourse and divisiveness we have in this country.

Here's another video for you to watch; O'Biden talking about Obama's qualifications:

Obama once again a Fruedian slip:

What do you call it when a small group of men plot to destroy the American economy for political gain?

You have got it all wrong; what do you call it when a small group of men attempt to save the nation from a fiscally reckless and irresponsible President and Democrat leadership in the Senate? ANSWER: The Constitution are work!

Another better question; what do you call a President and Senate Democrat leader who plot to destroy the American economy for purely political purposes? ANSWER: STUPID.

One more video for you to help you comprehend the problem, this was on Jan 14, 2013; sound familiar?

Here's Obama in 2006:

Here's Obama in campaign mode in 2008:

Repeat after me... L E A D E R S H I P.
your lame video has nothing to do with the treason committed by the Republicon party. Stick to the question. Stay on point and answer my question.

What do you call it when a small group of men plot to destroy the American economy for political gain?

If it's not treason, STY, what do you call it? Fair question
Once again we see the ignorant class raising its ugly head to parrot the divisive utterly stupid talking points of the left and Democrats.

What is happening right now is our Constitution working the way it is supposed to. Where the majority party and the Executive think they can ride roughshod over the minority and falsely believe they do not have to include them in budget and debt limit talks.

But dimwitted morons on the left wouldn't know that because they have never read, or tried to comprehend, the document. They were too busy vomiting dullard talking points.

For the epic dimwits who continue asking why it is not treason; read and try to comprehend the definition and stop trying to be deliberately stupid.

[tree-zuhn] Show IPA

1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.

2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.

3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
If it's not treason, STY, what do you call it? Fair question

I believe they don't even understand what their party is doing and why. They don't understand what happened in the Caucus Room restaurant on inauguration night and the ramifications it's had on this country in the yrs following. It's like talking to a tape recorder loop, ask a question and you get the same propaganda answer over and over with different insults thrown in.
I believe they don't even understand what their party is doing and why. They don't understand what happened in the Caucus Room restaurant on inauguration night and the ramifications it's had on this country in the yrs following. It's like talking to a tape recorder loop, ask a question and you get the same propaganda answer over and over with different insults thrown in.

I didn't know the Libertarian party was in power...damn, times have certainly changed.
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.


Welcome to the forum.

I think the main reason many people dislike the Tea Party is that they are batshit crazy.

And batshit crazy combined with political power is a very grave danger to our society, our economy and the economy of the entire world.

As an example of just how batshit crazy they are, I give you Tea Party congressman Louie Gohmert:

Yes, that's right, he just said John McCain supports al-Qaeda.

And Barack Obama shut down the government.

These people are either a) fucking delusional, or b) lying their asses off to fund raise off the fears of their simple-minded base.

Either way, they are an embarrassment to a free society and their very existence is a damning indictment of our media, our schools, and our political institutions.

No one should grow up to be this stupid.
your lame video has nothing to do with the treason committed by the Republicon party. Stick to the question. Stay on point and answer my question. What do you call it when a small group of men plot to destroy the American economy for political gain?

A Democrat Party caucus.
If it's not treason, STY, what do you call it? Fair question
i don't really care what else you'd like to call it, other than legislative terrorism. if you want to qualify this action as treason, then the dems committed treason decades ago with punitive taxes on certain firearms, conducting war on we the people.
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Deliberate sabotage of the US economy. (2011-present)

The Republican Congress has made no bones about it: They are deliberately and fanatically blocking any measure to improve the economic situation in this country or mitigate the suffering Americans experience due to the recession they inflicted on us, just so they can blame a Democratic President and benefit politically from harming their own country. They have said as much, openly and proudly. The GOP is a party of traitors, period.

Mitch McConnell has told his conference that ‘We’re not doing anything, we won’t make a single move between now and the election, because any move could be risky, and all of the shit is sliding down on President Obama.’
So, they’re not going to do anything, they’ve talked about this very clearly among themselves.
The Republicans aren’t going to make a single move between now and the election, because anything they do carries with it the “risk” that the economy improves.

Is that “treason?”

Hey wingnuts...
What do you call it when a small group of men plot to destroy the American economy for political gain? I call it treason.

I know your attention span is about 30 seconds but try to pay attention for 7 minutes...

Clearly putting party over country.

The founders would spit on them
I believe they don't even understand what their party is doing and why. They don't understand what happened in the Caucus Room restaurant on inauguration night and the ramifications it's had on this country in the yrs following. It's like talking to a tape recorder loop, ask a question and you get the same propaganda answer over and over with different insults thrown in.

I believe you and your dimwitted leftist pals are epically stupid.

I am amused by the brain dead left's argument that the Constitution in action is treason; it is an incredibly stupid argument that can only be made by epically stupid brain dead morons swilling leftist kool-aid.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid. :rolleyes:
Shutting the country down and holding it's people hostage for profits seems like treason or at least terrorism to me.

by the way, great debating skills

Epic stupidity on display. No wonder an inexperienced dimwit like Obama can get elected; morons like you voting.
Welcome to the forum.

I think the main reason many people dislike the Tea Party is that they are batshit crazy.

And batshit crazy combined with political power is a very grave danger to our society, our economy and the economy of the entire world.

As an example of just how batshit crazy they are, I give you Tea Party congressman Louie Gohmert:

Yes, that's right, he just said John McCain supports al-Qaeda.

And Barack Obama shut down the government.

These people are either a) fucking delusional, or b) lying their asses off to fund raise off the fears of their simple-minded base.

Either way, they are an embarrassment to a free society and their very existence is a damning indictment of our media, our schools, and our political institutions.

No one should grow up to be this stupid.

Of course the buffoon class in AmeriKa think that the TEA party are batshit crazy thinking that we should shrink Government within its Constitutional confines.

Yes, you really are THAT dumb.
Clearly putting party over country.

The founders would spit on them

Yanno thats a point of view I never considered but I do believe youre right. The founders always put the PEOPLE and country first, that was the purpose of the constitution. It wasnt written to enrich the rich and make them richer at the expense of everyone else.