Teabagger DC Follies II

I've never seen the leftie loonies apologize for anything they've done. KUDOS to Hannity.

well the Messiah Hugo Obama is doing one bang up job of apologizing for us who were meanies in America until he came along..but now the world is SAVED, saved I tell ya..
well the Messiah Hugo Obama is doing one bang up job of apologizing for us who were meanies in America until he came along..but now the world is SAVED, saved I tell ya..

Apologizing for wrongdoing is something to be proud of. When did bush ever apologize for anything? He wouldn't even admit to making a mistake while in office.
well the Messiah Hugo Obama is doing one bang up job of apologizing for us who were meanies in America until he came along..but now the world is SAVED, saved I tell ya..

Yeah, that was a stupid thing for him to do. His job is to bring America up, not to tear it down. His arrogance has no boundaries.
Yeah, that was a stupid thing for him to do. His job is to bring America up, not to tear it down. His arrogance has no boundaries.

This thread is about the Teabaggers once again making asses of themselves in DC......so it stands to reason that willfully ignorant neocon parrots turn a blind eye to this, and then rant about Obama not being the arrogant asshole that the Shrub was when addressing world leaders.

You lost the election in 2008 fair and square, Blabba...grow the fuck up.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Teabagger DC Follies II

Pointing back to your post where you changed the contents of my post? Here's the actual, along with my question, still unanswered:

Bush's tax cuts were far from fair. The wealthy still paid a higher percentage than the middle class.

Again, why should I pay a different percentage than you?

Oh, I answered you as the link shows...you just don't like the answers because you can't logically disprove them, nor can you disprove or refuted the link articles that factually support my answers.

As usual, you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness. You resort to the usual idiotic tactic of never actually debating the answer while repeating your bogus claim and parroting the already answered question, claiming victory when I logically step off your merry-go-round of convoluted logic.

The recorded post is your undoing every time. And to date, you STILL cannot refute/dispute my opening post on this thread. Carry on.
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This thread title is off the hook! :clink:

Oh Noooeess!!1shiftplusone!1!

The republicans are smart enough to take on the joking label given by liberals and use it against them!

You should make a big deal about it and cry a lot. That will make everybody see it your way!
Oh Noooeess!!1shiftplusone!1!

The republicans are smart enough to take on the joking label given by liberals and use it against them!

You should make a big deal about it and cry a lot. That will make everybody see it your way!

Just like Chris Christie eh?
Oh Noooeess!!1shiftplusone!1!

The republicans are smart enough to take on the joking label given by liberals and use it against them!

You should make a big deal about it and cry a lot. That will make everybody see it your way!

So, your contention is that when some fool inadvertently uses a sexual slang word without realizing it, the joke is not on them, but on everyone else???

Good Christ, no wonder republicans aren’t funny, and no wonder comedians are almost always Liberals.
So Hannity was wrong about something and admitted it? That makes him a much bigger person than most any liberal and definitely a bigger person than the hack "horse-face" mare... :)

Hannity isn't bigger than anyone. Hannity is the Mayor of Hackolopolous.
Like everyday people of this country knew the meaning of teabagging..

and you say conservatives are the racist, bigots, haters..you lefties should be proud..