Within the climate scientist community it's somewhere over 50% maybe as high as 75% if you are very liberal with claims. Overall, it's under 50%. Many scientists outside climate science disagree that anthropogenic climate change is a major cause of global warming.
The recitation of the 97% number is generally by those that are already vested in the whole anthropogenic climate change movement and want things like the New Green Deal. It is intended more as a STFU argument than anything. It tries to intimidate you into accepting their position as unassailable.
Well, I don't think the world's gonna end in about 8 years as Greta Thunberg and others have predicted (2030). Even if generously interpreted to mean massive changes, it isn't happening. It's not like she's the first in a long line of 'scientists' and others who support the Left's version of Gorebal Warming to make outlandish claims like that.
Remember, its the same bunch of scientists, more or less, that told us banning CFC's would close the hole in the ozone layer at the South Pole. It's still there and about the same size, and we banned CFC's like they wanted...
You can only be wrong so many times before nobody believes you...
Think of it this way:
We didn't know there was a jet stream affecting weather patterns until about the 1930's...
Plate tectonics was unknown until the 1950's
We had no grasp what the bottom of the oceans and life there was like until the 1960's
We don't know a lot about our planet even today. Look at how models of the planet's core are changing. What don't we know about climate is far greater than what we do know, but yet we're supposed to accept without question that if we don't radically upend society and technology in favor of Leftist favored systems we're all going to die in eight years?
I think I'll bet on a different horse because the one those groups want me to be on is really lame...