Teacher Salaries' Glance

Umm I do not define a weekend with one day off as a vacation.
you are being obtuse or something like that.

#1) A four or three day vacation certainly counts
#2) When you have 2.5 months, a guaranteed week off for Christmas & Easter, federal holidays, some jewish holidays, and a lot of bank holidays off, I think you're well compensated for the inconvenience if your district doesn't allow you to take off for extended periods of time during the school year.
#1) A four or three day vacation certainly counts
#2) When you have 2.5 months, a guaranteed week off for Christmas & Easter, federal holidays, some jewish holidays, and a lot of bank holidays off, I think you're well compensated for the inconvenience if your district doesn't allow you to take off for extended periods of time during the school year.

I agree pretty much, but to have to put up with the brats!
give up on the WOC LadyT ?

On the other hand teachers are paid better than prison guards....
But prison guards do not have to have a degree either...

I wonder how teachers pay compares to other professions that require a degree ?
I agree pretty much, but to have to put up with the brats!
give up on the WOC LadyT ?

On the other hand teachers are paid better than prison guards....
But prison guards do not have to have a degree either...

I wonder how teachers pay compares to otoher professions that require a degree ?

perhaps we should hire prison guards to teach then. Or just lock kids up with prisoners. That would shave a lot of taxes.
It is impossible to gauge the value of a teacher's salary by only looking at the starting numbers. Teachers long ago obligated their employers through their union contracts to heavier payments toward the end. Beginning salaries are small, but even 10 years down the road with a Master's Degree they will be making more than my employees would after the same amount of time. It also was given at the end more than the beginning, it is in retirement that they really gain their largest advantage. They sold the beginning years out for the future.

You make an excellent argument for the benefit of unions.
You make an excellent argument for the benefit of unions.
There is nothing wrong with unions, they are clearly part of a free market system, even if most libertarians would refuse to admit that. The wrong would be in the government supporting one over the other, in giving boons to one or the other group specifically. The Rs would give money to the corps, a socialist might give it to the Union over the corp, both would be wrong.

Or a liberal make laws that would force you to join a union, or to pay dues even if you refuse to join, regardless of your beliefs. That too is wrong.