Teamsters won’t endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump

Truck drivers drive 600 miles a day listening to HATE RADIO.

And specifically, HATE RADIO PROGRAMMING targets Truck Drivers. For one reason- Truck Drivers make up a large majority of their listening audience.

These Right-Wing radio hosts are feeding the Truck Drivers with rhetoric like- Their jobs are being replaced with undocumented minority workers- which is a lie, and rhetoric such as their jobs are going away because Autonomous 18 wheelers are just around the corner- which is also an exaggerated lie. Other lies being told to the Truck Drivers is that Biden is the one causing Diesel Fuel to be so expensive. Truck Drivers deliver to warehouses that use robotics and they see this everyday, and Right Wing Radio tells them that Robotics is a LEFT-WING technology out to replace human beings- WHICH IS A COMPLETE LOAD OF SHIT!

1 out of every 10 drivers on the road are Truck Drivers and Truck Drivers are one of the largest Voting Blocs in the country- THANKS TO RIGHT-WING HATE RADIO keeping their SHIT all hot 24 hours a day- feeding them lie after lie.
35-40% of the over the road truckers coming out of California can't speak English.
Oregon is another stste who has a company who'd drivers can't speak English.
Doesn't California give illegals driver's licenses? Don't they only require a
driver's license to vote in their Drive-Thru voting booths :thinking:
35-40% of the over the road truckers coming out of California can't speak English.
Oregon is another stste who has a company who'd drivers can't speak English.
Doesn't California give illegals driver's licenses? Don't they only require a
driver's license to vote in their Drive-Thru voting booths :thinking:
You obviously do not know what you are talking about!

You are just another totally lost HATE-RADIO addict!
Teamsters won’t endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump
You have missed the important part of the poll.

The Teamsters are a voluntary organization. If they endorse trump, they would lose a huge chunk of their members. It would be a minority, but a big enough minority to destroy them.
Kam is an idiot With horrible ideas that she can't express or explain....... I don’t want any of that for my family or my community or my country... I'm really not sure where you see accomplished civil servant...but I'll listen if you have tome to tell me... ( Really i'm thinking you just hate President Trump... and I get that... however...she's not acceptable in any way, shape, or form... She's just he gets another chance from me...)
Putting actual policy aside--the really important things on which we disagree--
we can also talk character if you like.

Trump is a convicted felon.
Trump has been found civilly liable for sexual assault.
Trump comports himself like a classless vulgarian.
Trump seeks to emulate dictators and is open about it.
Trump has already put into place mechanisms to sabotage voting in key states.

Yes, I hate President Trump because not hating him would fatally diminish me as a human being.
Hating him is a measure of my sanity, my intelligence, and my morality.

However, we then come to policy.

America is the most socially regressive developed democracy on the face of the earth.
It's Trump's and Project 2025's policy to regress us further.
Sophisticated intellectuals will not tolerate it.
Bigots, racists, xenophobes, misogynists, fascists, theocrats, and intellectual Neanderthals embrace it.

Kamala Harris is MORE CONSERVATIVE on economic [if not social} issues than I am.
But I don't have to feel ashamed to support her, both with checkbook and vote.

It's not pleasant to see with whom you're willing to associate yourself, TOP.
But you seem sincere.

Your parents and mine obviously had very different ideas on how to bring up their progeny.
trump is all about going back to yesterday. he is against advancement.
So are most Americans. They're still supporting child-slaughtering Jewish scum. Trump is their huckleberry.

Putting actual policy aside--the really important things on which we disagree--
we can also talk character if you like.

Trump is a convicted felon.
Trump has been found civilly liable for sexual assault.
Trump comports himself like a classless vulgarian.
Trump seeks to emulate dictators and is open about it.
Trump has already put into place mechanisms to sabotage voting in key states.

Yes, I hate President Trump because not hating him would fatally diminish me as a human being.
Hating him is a measure of my sanity, my intelligence, and my morality.

However, we then come to policy.

America is the most socially regressive developed democracy on the face of the earth.
It's Trump's and Project 2025's policy to regress us further.
Sophisticated intellectuals will not tolerate it.
Bigots, racists, xenophobes, misogynists, fascists, theocrats, and intellectual Neanderthals embrace it.

Kamala Harris is MORE CONSERVATIVE on economic [if not social} issues than I am.
But I don't have to feel ashamed to support her, both with checkbook and vote.

It's not pleasant to see with whom you're willing to associate yourself, TOP.
But you seem sincere.

Your parents and mine obviously had very different ideas on how to bring up their progeny.
The ugly ass Freedom Tower standing where the magnificent Twin Towers used to be
reminds me of how much I hate Towel Head Jihadists like yourself, Moondoggie.

The "slaughtered children" will never grow up to be like you.
Yesterday was indeed better than today.
Post Nixon / Reagan has been a dystopia.
Dubya and Trump poured petrol on the flames.

Vide President Harris is an accomplished civil servant.
Former President Trump is a crude, classless vulgarian and convicted felon.

We all don't all want the same things for our families, obviously.
I'd have to viscerally hate my family to want what you want for them, TOP.
Kam is an idiot With horrible ideas that she can't express or explain....... I don’t want any of that for my family or my community or my country... I'm really not sure where you see accomplished civil servant...but I'll listen id you have tome to tell me... ( Really i'm thinking you just hate President Trump... and I get that... however...she's not acceptable in any way, shape, or form... She's just he gets another chance from me...
Putting actual policy aside--the really important things on which we disagree--
we can also talk character if you like.

Trump is a convicted felon.
Trump has been found civilly liable for sexual assault.
Trump comports himself like a classless vulgarian.
Trump seeks to emulate dictators and is open about it.
Trump has already put into place mechanisms to sabotage voting in key states.

Yes, I hate President Trump because not hating him would fatally diminish me as a human being.
Hating him is a measure of my sanity, my intelligence, and my morality.

However, we then come to policy.

America is the most socially regressive developed democracy on the face of the earth.
It's Trump's and Project 2025's policy to regress us further.
Sophisticated intellectuals will not tolerate it.
Bigots, racists, xenophobes, misogynists, fascists, theocrats, and intellectual Neanderthals embrace it.

Kamala Harris is MORE CONSERVATIVE on economic [if not social} issues than I am.
But I don't have to feel ashamed to support her, both with checkbook and vote.

It's not pleasant to see with whom you're willing to associate yourself, TOP.
But you seem sincere.

Your parents and mine obviously had very different ideas on how to bring up their progeny.
Ok... I'm very thankful our parents brought us up differently... You would have Made an unhappy teacher and I would have made a very unhappy union rep... But I think the thing you might want to consider is that I'm the only one happy now... why is that? I guess that's what's most important to me... I just couldn't be unhappy all the time and angry most of the time... oh well...dogs it is... And good food... Sometimes that's almost enough to have in common to still chat on occasion... PS... Still your only support for Kam Is your hate for Trump..... You are sincerity to the extreme;)
Still your only support for Kam Is your hate for Trump..... ;)
That makes straight blue tickets without exception going back to 1968 very hard to explain,
doesn't it,, TOP?

There was no eighteen year old voting then,
or it would have been 1964.

That's a lot of straight blue tickets.
I'm too old to even do the math!

Knowing that,
voting for my party's nominee this year
solely because I hate Trump
[which I admittedly do]
isn't the conclusion you really want to draw, is it?
That makes straight blue tickets without exception going back to 1968 very hard to explain,
doesn't it,, TOP?

There was no eighteen year old voting then,
or it would have been 1964.

That's a lot of straight blue tickets.
I'm too old to even do the math!

Knowing that,
voting for my party's nominee this year
solely because I hate Trump
[which I admittedly do]
isn't the conclusion you really want to draw, is it?
Ok.... I believe you... That's almost worse;)....I could understand the hate... but you're conclusion was incorrect...;)
Yes, I hate President Trump because not hating him would fatally diminish me as a human being.
Hating him is a measure of my sanity, my intelligence, and my morality.

I kinda want to steal this. It really is a pretty solid statement. I am, however, also kind of scared where our divisions are taking us. I realize there really is NO moral equivalence between the two sides....anyone with an actual functioning brain could see that. But I also worry that our polarization has resulted in the candidates sometimes taking more and more hyperbolic positions which drives the conversation into matters of "hatred".

Everything you listed there is perfectly and absolutely reasonable. It's definitely how I feel.

But I wonder how we got to the point that almost 50% of the US population supports the clear EXCESSES that are Trump. It's almost as if Trump is a form of "revenge candidate" against all the years the Conservatives had to face the non-stop pressure to be accepting and kind to other people.

We are no longer really broken down along lines of how we view the most appropriate economic approach would be to deal with our issues, now we break down along if you are willing to try to remain wed to reality vs if you are so angry at the Left that you march lockstep in with a counter-reality revenge candidate whose rhetoric every single day gets more and more and more unsettlingly unhinged and possibly evil.

Listen...The Teamsters are smart ppl, they're telling their lily white good ol boys club and Uncle Tom negro's, vote Trump all the fuck you want, do you....but I be damn if we gonna back that crazy motherfucker with an endorsement, which renders poor Harris collatoral damage. But Teamster lover all the way, good call guys!!​

Since law-fare is extant and started by the far left Democratic Socialist loons, I would expect, and hope for, the same if Trump is elected.

Fair's fair but the left will scream. They drew first blood but will cry like children when it is used against them.

This country is at third world status with no borders, out of control crime, and inflation. Our institutions are corrupt. Our streets are no longer safe.

Polls show that the majority of Americans want change and many want radical change. Heels Up Harris does not represent change no matter how many times she flips on her policies. Was she lying then or now? Most of us know that she will flip back to her radical, extreme policies, if elected.

I also believe that most Americans understand that we are at a tipping point in our Constitutional Republic. It's sink or swim time in America.
Truck drivers drive 600 miles a day listening to HATE RADIO.

And specifically, HATE RADIO PROGRAMMING targets Truck Drivers. For one reason- Truck Drivers make up a large majority of their listening audience.

These Right-Wing radio hosts are feeding the Truck Drivers with rhetoric like- Their jobs are being replaced with undocumented minority workers- which is a lie, and rhetoric such as their jobs are going away because Autonomous 18 wheelers are just around the corner- which is also an exaggerated lie. Other lies being told to the Truck Drivers is that Biden is the one causing Diesel Fuel to be so expensive. Truck Drivers deliver to warehouses that use robotics and they see this everyday, and Right Wing Radio tells them that Robotics is a LEFT-WING technology out to replace human beings- WHICH IS A COMPLETE LOAD OF SHIT!

1 out of every 10 drivers on the road are Truck Drivers and Truck Drivers are one of the largest Voting Blocs in the country- THANKS TO RIGHT-WING HATE RADIO keeping their SHIT all hot 24 hours a day- feeding them lie after lie.
you're dumber than a paper weight, and twice as lazy.