APP - Teaparty Supporters Mock man with Parkinsons

They were throwing money at him. Calling him a communist because he wants healthcare so he doesn't go broke trying to take care of himself. That is so very American. The Teaparty has no tollerence for opposing views and no compassion for the ill.
They were throwing money at him. Calling him a communist because he wants healthcare so he doesn't go broke trying to take care of himself. That is so very American. The Teaparty has no tollerence for opposing views and no compassion for the ill.

/shrugs.....they would probably call every other person in favor of healthcare a communist as well.....doesn't have anything to do with Parkinsons.....

no tollerence for opposing views
???...I'm willing to tolerate your opposing view up until the point you try to make it a law that effects what I can that point you can shove it....
/shrugs.....they would probably call every other person in favor of healthcare a communist as well.....doesn't have anything to do with Parkinsons.....

???...I'm willing to tolerate your opposing view up until the point you try to make it a law that effects what I can that point you can shove it....

This is the American system. Laws are foisted upon many of us every year we don't like. If you don't like it vote for someone else. But throwing things at a sick man because you don't like his point of view is grossly in violation of what our country was founded on. I feel like some of you are going to start another civil war over this. This is STUPID. You conservatives mocked the behavior of code pinkers and you look JUST LIKE THEM.
They were throwing money at him. Calling him a communist because he wants healthcare so he doesn't go broke trying to take care of himself. That is so very American. The Teaparty has no tollerence for opposing views and no compassion for the ill.

what would you prefer, the nazi party?
what would you prefer, the nazi party?
what do you prefer, that people go bankrupt because of illness? I have a friend filing bankruptcy because he lost a leg and he HAD insurance. It still is breaking him. There has to be a happy medium somewhere. you teaparty members act like the system is fine. It's not.
what do you prefer, that people go bankrupt because of illness? I have a friend filing bankruptcy because he lost a leg and he HAD insurance. It still is breaking him. There has to be a happy medium somewhere. you teaparty members act like the system is fine. It's not.

i have a wife. she has a heart condition. it's genetic. we have no insurance. we have no insurance because they dropped us from our costs.

if we stopped benefitting the insurance companies and let the free market handle the issue, we just might be alright. that happy medium you're suggesting, of letting the government (who hasn't done anything right yet) control things is a recipe for disaster.
Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet
/shrugs.....they would probably call every other person in favor of healthcare a communist as well.....doesn't have anything to do with Parkinsons.....

???...I'm willing to tolerate your opposing view up until the point you try to make it a law that effects what I can that point you can shove it....

This is the American system. Laws are foisted upon many of us every year we don't like. If you don't like it vote for someone else. But throwing things at a sick man because you don't like his point of view is grossly in violation of what our country was founded on. I feel like some of you are going to start another civil war over this. This is STUPID. You conservatives mocked the behavior of code pinkers and you look JUST LIKE THEM.

Don't you just love the excuses neocon parrots make for the vile actions and words that keep showing up at these Teabagger follies? They keep making veiled threats based on their willful ignorance and low information status (courtesy of Fox Noise, the WND, News Max, Hannity, Crowley, etc.)....with Boehner and company just ratcheting up the fear mongering and subsequent procedural threats against fellow Congressmen and Senators.

I seem to recall certain posters on these boards swearing up and down that "libs" were just exaggerating and distorting this mentality from the teabaggers. Thing is, I don't remember the Code Pinkers bringing guns to rallies or spitting on anyone or spewing racial slurs.
i have a wife. she has a heart condition. it's genetic. we have no insurance. we have no insurance because they dropped us from our costs.

if we stopped benefitting the insurance companies and let the free market handle the issue, we just might be alright. that happy medium you're suggesting, of letting the government (who hasn't done anything right yet) control things is a recipe for disaster.

The fallacy of the "free market" is demonstrated by an insurance community that wants to maintain it's exemption status from anti-trust laws.
This is the American system. Laws are foisted upon many of us every year we don't like. If you don't like it vote for someone else. But throwing things at a sick man because you don't like his point of view is grossly in violation of what our country was founded on. I feel like some of you are going to start another civil war over this. This is STUPID. You conservatives mocked the behavior of code pinkers and you look JUST LIKE THEM.

and I think you're blowing it out of proportion.....the guy walked up and sat down two feet away from the protesters.....he brought along a guy with a camera.....I think he was hoping for some kind of far as "throwing things at a sick man" is concerned from watching the video it appears he threw money at him.....don't try to make it sound like he tried to hurt him.....
You can try to spin it anyway you want but MOST people who would see that would be appalled by the Tea Party reaction to it. They were nasty, they were angry and they took it out on him. LISTED to the shit they said to him. He is 60 years old with Parkinson's. And is it really an excuse that he sat in front of them with his sign, SAYING NOTHING and a camera was there? Is that all it takes for Tea Party members to go off? I think they need to grow the fuck up. If it was a 60 year old supporting the war and code pinkers did this, you would be throwing a fit, and justifiably so.
what do you prefer, that people go bankrupt because of illness? I have a friend filing bankruptcy because he lost a leg and he HAD insurance. It still is breaking him. There has to be a happy medium somewhere. you teaparty members act like the system is fine. It's not.
Well that's the hypocracy of the tea baggers. They don't walk the talk. As soon as it's them or their family members health or illness that forces them into bankruptcy they sing a different tune.
/shrugs.....they would probably call every other person in favor of healthcare a communist as well.....doesn't have anything to do with Parkinsons.....

???...I'm willing to tolerate your opposing view up until the point you try to make it a law that effects what I can that point you can shove it....
Yea it does have something to do with Parkinson and diabetes and cancer and congestive heart failure and a plethora of other health issues that cause people to lose all that they have worked so hard for all their lives because it was their misfortune to get sick.

Essentially what the tea baggers are saying is. "If you have a serious illiness and medical expenses are costing you all you have, fuck you, eat shit and die!"
i have a wife. she has a heart condition. it's genetic. we have no insurance. we have no insurance because they dropped us from our costs.

if we stopped benefitting the insurance companies and let the free market handle the issue, we just might be alright. that happy medium you're suggesting, of letting the government (who hasn't done anything right yet) control things is a recipe for disaster.

A free market would allow all the insurance companies to drop high risk people like a hot potato. It would make them able to deny coverage to anyone with conditions that might cause them to be a liability.