APP - Teaparty Supporters Mock man with Parkinsons

i have a wife. she has a heart condition. it's genetic. we have no insurance. we have no insurance because they dropped us from our costs.

if we stopped benefitting the insurance companies and let the free market handle the issue, we just might be alright. that happy medium you're suggesting, of letting the government (who hasn't done anything right yet) control things is a recipe for disaster.

It's hard to believe that you actively work against your wife's health, presumably and hopefully unwittingly.

Private insurance companies lose money of people like your wife.

What world do you live in? "Free market", and for-profit entities don't have an incentive to insure people that they are guaranteed to lose money on. I think at some deeper level you understand this, but your blind partisanship puts your allegiance to your rightwing ideology above your wife's health. I'm assuming its unintentional, and you haven't thought this through.

A public, non-profit health care system, by law, couldn't exclude your wife. Which is why it's amazing you don't support single payer health care.

At a minimum, the current healthcare refomr bill makes it the law of the land that insurance companies will have to accept people like your wife.

Why anyone would actively fight against their spouses's best interest is unfathomable to me.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Touched a nerve, didn't I, my little Post Modern Fool?

no, as usual you demonstrated you lack them.....and the brain they're supposed to be connected to.....

You can bray like a jackass all you want, but Soc got your number, and what I added in Post #11 is just another fact based observation that you can neither logically refute or deny. Bottom line: the lies, distortions and fallacies you willfully ignorant neocon stooges swear by are being betrayed by the public actions of those you ardently defend and excuse.....TFB for you.
A free market would allow all the insurance companies to drop high risk people like a hot potato. It would make them able to deny coverage to anyone with conditions that might cause them to be a liability.

not free market enough. remove the power that insurance companies have over the doctors and let doctors be doctors, see and treat who they want. prices will come down because doctors will WANT to treat these people.
It's hard to believe that you actively work against your wife's health, presumably and hopefully unwittingly.

Private insurance companies lose money of people like your wife.

What world do you live in? "Free market", and for-profit entities don't have an incentive to insure people that they are guaranteed to lose money on. I think at some deeper level you understand this, but your blind partisanship puts your allegiance to your rightwing ideology above your wife's health. I'm assuming its unintentional, and you haven't thought this through.

A public, non-profit health care system, by law, couldn't exclude your wife. Which is why it's amazing you don't support single payer health care.

At a minimum, the current healthcare refomr bill makes it the law of the land that insurance companies will have to accept people like your wife.

Why anyone would actively fight against their spouses's best interest is unfathomable to me.

yeah, i really want to support THIS bill because I want to give even MORE of my hard earned money to the government so I can get her healthcare in 3 years. are you stupid or something?
yeah, i really want to support THIS bill because I want to give even MORE of my hard earned money to the government so I can get her healthcare in 3 years. are you stupid or something?

The excise tax in the senate bill funds the bill through a harsh tax on extremely high quality "Cadillac" plans. You probably won't be better or worse off due to this bill until around 2014, unless the high-risk pool program can benefit you.
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Again I didn't see any mocking. All I saw was disrespect, evident on both sides full force. The Libs want special rights for this guy just because he's got a disease. Sorry, but conservatives believe in equal treatment for all.

Did the guy scarf up the bills? :)
Yea it does have something to do with Parkinson and diabetes and cancer and congestive heart failure and a plethora of other health issues that cause people to lose all that they have worked so hard for all their lives because it was their misfortune to get sick.

Essentially what the tea baggers are saying is. "If you have a serious illiness and medical expenses are costing you all you have, fuck you, eat shit and die!"

Bingo! But you see, to defend the teabagger's heinous actions, the game of "exact" words is played. Unless specific words and phrases are use, it's not technically "mocking". Ahh, the art of neocon hairsplitting!
Man, even the teabag attacker dude himself admitted his behaviour was shameful.

And yet you have the message board apologists for tea bagger racism parading around the thread saying they saw nothing wrong.

Congratulations, wingnuts! You've just graduated to the Glenn Beck-Michael Savage school of bigotry and cruelty.

The man who berated and tossed dollar bills at a man with Parkinson's disease during a health care protest last week says he is remorseful and scared.

"He's got every right to do what he did and some may say I did too, but what I did was shameful," Reichert said. "I haven't slept since that day."

"I made a donation (to a local Parkinson's disease group) and that starts the healing process."
Man, even the teabag attacker dude himself admitted his behaviour was shameful.

And yet you have the message board apologists for tea bagger racism parading around the thread saying they saw nothing wrong.

Congratulations, wingnuts! You've just graduated to the Glenn Beck-Michael Savage school of bigotry and cruelty.

The man who berated and tossed dollar bills at a man with Parkinson's disease during a health care protest last week says he is remorseful and scared.

"He's got every right to do what he did and some may say I did too, but what I did was shameful," Reichert said. "I haven't slept since that day."

"I made a donation (to a local Parkinson's disease group) and that starts the healing process."

Ahhh, but unless he says, "I mocked him for his Parkinsons" our resident neocon clowns and those that make excuses for them will still squawk the same old much more to pity them.