Further reductions in Government spending as recommended in the Hoover Commission Report, without weakening the support of a superior defense program or depreciating the quality of essential services of government to our people.
If it was up to Republicans, there would usually be NO cuts in defense....and its the R's that have kept SS from going broke starting with Reagans changes...
Continued balancing of the budget, to assure the financial strength of the country which is so vital to the struggle of the free world in its battle against Communism; and to maintain the purchasing power of a sound dollar, and the value of savings, pensions and insurance.
Gradual reduction of the national debt.
Thats was then, this is now....the principle is exactly the same....the exact opposite of the Democrat wanting to spend even more and more in the face of bankruptcy...though there is no denying that R's have made their share of contributions to the debt.
Then, insofar as consistent with a balanced budget, we pledge to work toward these additional objectives:
Further reductions in taxes with particular consideration for low and middle income families.
When the republicans cut taxes, they cut them for EVERYONE ...not just some special group of citizens....thats "equal treatment under the law" as the constitution demands....