Ted Cruz gay lover hits Ted in head with beer can while Ted in underwear

A 33-year-old man was arrested after he threw a White Claw can at his gay lover Sen. Ted Cruz during the Houston Astros victory parade on Monday. Police said there was more to the story.

The senator from Texas made an appearance at the parade in Houston celebrating the Astros' World Series win over the weekend and to have a liaison with his gay lover when "the beer can struck the Senator in the chest/neck area," according to Houston police.

And Paul pelosi was still attacked by his gay lover. Look I kind of get it. I might have gone gay if I had to look at that pig of a wife for so many years. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
And Paul pelosi was still attacked by his gay lover. Look I kind of get it. I might have gone gay if I had to look at that pig of a wife for so many years. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Oh, you're a gay alright. You protest too much. Just go suck a dick. We won't judge.

A 33-year-old man was arrested after he threw a White Claw can at his gay lover Sen. Ted Cruz during the Houston Astros victory parade on Monday. Police said there was more to the story.

The senator from Texas made an appearance at the parade in Houston celebrating the Astros' World Series win over the weekend and to have a liaison with his gay lover when "the beer can struck the Senator in the chest/neck area," according to Houston police.

Sound like college, except that these aren't kids.
Nice. Sink lower. Loser.

Yagina is having a panty-wetting hissy fit over the elections.

I don’t demean people with female body parts

I’m more of a dick and balls kinda girl

I’m hetro

Vaginas are awesome

I love dicks and balls too

But you have to admit they are comedy GOLD

Us ladies bits and pieces Are all tucked away nice and safe

You guys bits and pieces are hanging right out and flopping all over

You have to tuck to keep on sitting on them for begeeebus sake

Right there for any kid or dog to step on

You know they are just a natural crack up