Ted Cruz supporters say Republican RINOS are kaput


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John McCain and John Boehner should be looking over their shoulders because the end of their long- held power may be coming to an end. Their pretense of being Conservative is being challenged by activists who don’t want a third party but instead are working toward taking over control of the Republican Party.

Followers of Senator Ted Cruz believe that the Grand Old Party (GOP) is kaput—old, broken, done for—and they are planning to restore the former glory it had under President Ronald Reagan.

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Yep, the purge is in full swing. Bye-bye GOP you've been replaced by the Heritage Foundation which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch empire and funded in part by foreign interests.
Democrats seem unable to grasp the idea that the sole purpose of being in elected office is not re-election.


They hate what they do not comprehend
What the hell does that have anything to do with the Koch brothers take over of the Rebublican party? Do you ever have anything of substance to say?
What the hell does that have anything to do with the Koch brothers take over of the Rebublican party? Do you ever have anything of substance to say?

Yet you have no problem with George Soros. Oh that's right he pumps billions into left wing causes, so you overlook that.

Pardon me while I ignore your crocodile tears
Tell ted cruz and his handful of clownshow supporters that hes already proven that running his big mouth has only accomplished one thing, exposing him for the losing moron he is. Most of america will reject him resoundingly hes goin nowhere.
Oh and tell him our constitution didnt cover canada btw he said he was denouncing that citizenship, has he ? WTF is Donald Trump when you need him
Prove that the Koch bothers have taken over the GOP.


Heritage, for all intents and purposes, has been the brains of the GOP for the last four decades. Senator DeMint’s arrival will now determine the overall ideology and direction of the Republican Party collectively in the 2014 midterms and 2016 presidential election. The tea party implosion that so many predicted will not happen. Instead, its ideology will be infused into the conventional establishment mindset. The only questions that remains are, how ideologically pure will DeMint shaped the party to, and will he personally spearhead the 2016 election by throwing his own hat in the ring?

Specifically, the Kochs (and many other plutocrats) know that, by funding the far far right Tea Party and the so-called liberty-loving, seemingly wonderful Libertarian movement, candidates from both conservative niches will run for seats and regardless of which flavor of conservativism of the day is preferred, the Kochs/Plutocrats will still have their hand puppets elected to serve their "Kill all social services, no rules, no taxes, serve-the-rich, dog-eat-dog" government takeover coup.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to hoodwink the collegiate and even high school demographic to win the hearts and minds of today's youth because the GOP is dying off. All manner of efforts are being made by the 1% to present today's youth with a tanked economy and a no-hope future so the Democratic Party can be blamed. The Koch Brothers and others hope these youth will flock to the GOP in 2014 and 2016.

Blue Dog Democrats can also be bought and run in races where it looks like a GOP candidate doesn't have a prayer of being elected.


You must be blind.
Heritage, for all intents and purposes, has been the brains of the GOP for the last four decades. Senator DeMint’s arrival will now determine the overall ideology and direction of the Republican Party collectively in the 2014 midterms and 2016 presidential election. The tea party implosion that so many predicted will not happen. Instead, its ideology will be infused into the conventional establishment mindset. The only questions that remains are, how ideologically pure will DeMint shaped the party to, and will he personally spearhead the 2016 election by throwing his own hat in the ring?

Specifically, the Kochs (and many other plutocrats) know that, by funding the far far right Tea Party and the so-called liberty-loving, seemingly wonderful Libertarian movement, candidates from both conservative niches will run for seats and regardless of which flavor of conservativism of the day is preferred, the Kochs/Plutocrats will still have their hand puppets elected to serve their "Kill all social services, no rules, no taxes, serve-the-rich, dog-eat-dog" government takeover coup.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to hoodwink the collegiate and even high school demographic to win the hearts and minds of today's youth because the GOP is dying off. All manner of efforts are being made by the 1% to present today's youth with a tanked economy and a no-hope future so the Democratic Party can be blamed. The Koch Brothers and others hope these youth will flock to the GOP in 2014 and 2016.

Blue Dog Democrats can also be bought and run in races where it looks like a GOP candidate doesn't have a prayer of being elected.


You must be blind.


So being born in Canada disqualifies him from being a United S Ntates Senator? Really? Since when?

Nope doesnt disqualify him just makes him exactly what he always was a loud mouth buffoon that does nothing but F up everything he touchs. The supreme example of a right wing losing anus.
Yet you have no problem with George Soros. Oh that's right he pumps billions into left wing causes, so you overlook that.

Pardon me while I ignore your crocodile tears

VERDICT: When it comes to the combination of institutional lobbying, 527 group donations and PAC expenditures, Koch Industries far out-spends Soros’ hedge fund and think tank, $57.4 million to $12.8 million. Most of this money is attributable to lobbying expenditures.

Individual-Funded Political Activity

Soros and the Koch brothers have all donated to federal political campaigns and committees. While Soros has far out-spent the Koch brothers in donating to 527 groups, especially when considering his incredible $23.7 million in donations to the groups between 2003 and 2004, the Koch brothers have donated more money to federal candidates and committees.

God you're dumb, bless your pointy little head.
Specifically, the Kochs (and many other plutocrats) know that, by funding the far far right Tea Party and the so-called liberty-loving, seemingly wonderful Libertarian movement, candidates from both conservative niches will run for seats and regardless of which flavor of conservativism of the day is preferred, the Kochs/Plutocrats will still have their hand puppets elected to serve their "Kill all social services, no rules, no taxes, serve-the-rich, dog-eat-dog" government takeover coup. The Koch Brothers and others hope these youth will flock to the GOP in 2014 and 2016. Blue Dog Democrats can also be bought and run in races where it looks like a GOP candidate doesn't have a prayer of being elected.

My eyesight is fine.

Your own source says "the Kochs and many other(s)" and says Democrats are on the take.

You fail.
Nope doesnt disqualify him just makes him exactly what he always was a loud mouth buffoon that does nothing but F up everything he touchs. The supreme example of a right wing losing anus.

So you have nothing but insults and attacks to contribute to our discussion?
John McCain and John Boehner should be looking over their shoulders because the end of their long- held power may be coming to an end. Their pretense of being Conservative is being challenged by activists who don’t want a third party but instead are working toward taking over control of the Republican Party.

Followers of Senator Ted Cruz believe that the Grand Old Party (GOP) is kaput—old, broken, done for—and they are planning to restore the former glory it had under President Ronald Reagan.

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...and Democrats the nation over are saying...Go ahead...make our day! :)
Democrats seem unable to grasp the idea that the sole purpose of being in elected office is not re-election.


They hate what they do not comprehend
One can make the same arguments of teabaggers. The object to being elected is to govern competently, in the peoples interest. Not just the monied few. Which seems to completely elude teabaggers.
Tell ted cruz and his handful of clownshow supporters that hes already proven that running his big mouth has only accomplished one thing, exposing him for the losing moron he is. Most of america will reject him resoundingly hes goin nowhere.
You haven't been to Texas lately, have you?
One can make the same arguments of teabaggers. The object to being elected is to govern competently, in the peoples interest. Not just the monied few. Which seems to completely elude teabaggers.

Are you claiming that the Tea Party Republicans are not governing in accordance with the express wishes and blessings of their constituents?