Ted Cruz supporters say Republican RINOS are kaput

Tell ted cruz and his handful of clownshow supporters that hes already proven that running his big mouth has only accomplished one thing, exposing him for the losing moron he is. Most of america will reject him resoundingly hes goin nowhere.

Exactly, he's going the way of Ron Paul!
Big money;1351450 Originally Posted by Crashk VERDICT: Soros has far out-spent the Koch brothers. said:

Are you cherry picking again? Are you twisting words to make them into what you want to believe? Or are you not allowed to go against your conditioning?
Here's how the sentence read...

"While Soros has far out-spent the Koch brothers in donating to 527 groups, especially when considering his incredible $23.7 million in donations to the groups between 2003 and 2004, the Koch brothers have donated more money to federal candidates and committees."

The truth sometimes hurts. (more often than not with you teabaggers)