From the right I found they claim these states violated State Election Law and Article II and somehow stole the election:
"In Georgia, state law prohibits the counting of absentee ballots until after the polls open on Election Day. In clear violation of the law, and thus the U.S. Constitution, the State Election Board, not the legislature, allowed processing of ballots up to three weeks before Election Day.
In Pennsylvania, state law states that the deadline for a county board of elections to receive a mail-in ballot is 8 p.m. on Election Day. Instead of following state law, judges, without any authorization by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, usurped legislative power by extending that deadline to three days after Election Day.
In another violation, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state violated Pennsylvania state law, and thus the U.S. Constitution, by removing the state law mandate that requires all applications for absentee or mail-in ballots for non-disabled and non-military voters be signed by the applicant.
Michigan state law requires that all absentee ballot requests be requested by the voter through a careful and secure application process requiring a signature. The Michigan secretary of state violated this law, and thus the U.S. Constitution, when she instead set up a website where people could request an absentee ballot.
In Wisconsin, state law prohibits the use of unmanned drop boxes for ballots. Nevertheless, the non-legislative Wisconsin Elections Commission and other local officials unconstitutionally created hundreds of drop boxes to collect absentee ballots, including the use of unmanned drop boxes."
First thing to notice is that all of these were Swing States that trump claims he won by huge margins.
Secondly, you will notice that they are not really claiming the votes were not made by the Citizens they claim procedural issues.
Third, these Issues were all approved at the State levels and as such while not done per the letter of the laws the States did stand by the accuracy of the vote.
Fourth, the votes actually were from Voters of the State and to throw them out is an attempt to override the will of the voters so you can maybe win an election.
Fifth, no one has ever actually provided a breakdown of how many of these disputed votes were for each candidate, the claim is most or all of them are from Dems, but there really is not proof of that claim.
Six, the SC looked at these claims and said they were not worthy of further action by them, is it because the Republican appointed SC is biased against trump or is it because the claims did not have a leg to stand on.
Seventh, which Party is today attempting to pass new laws to make it harder to vote and thus suppress the vote and the Will of the People?
The arguments are weak at best and at worst a clear plan to try and throw out the votes of the People that cost trump the election, somehow that does Not sound very American.
Everyone knows who Actually tried Cheating in this election through several methods, some highly illegal.
Never in modern times have we had an election called stolen at the National Level where after countless cases thrown out by State, Federal and the Supreme Court itself and all based on a Big Lie that came directly from the Loser that claimed that if he lost it was because the Dems cheated and claimed it Months before the election, it is called planting a seed. This all comes from a person that does not even know that elections do not end counting at 10 pm on election night or grasp the fact that the American People rejected him by over 7 Million votes. If anything else the damage trump has done to our election system will take many years to fix, all due to the fact that one unfit President could not simply accept defeat like a real man. His not conceding the election once called, his not following protocols and traditions in helping the next administration get set up or even greeting them before the inauguration which he was too petty to even attend all prove the American People were right to Fire him and shun him for all the damage he has done to our Nation.