teen birth rate drops 60 percent in Cali

For the record, that was sarcasm and I'm not blaming Obama for anything. PMP's chart shows abortion up, though.

Yeah, I know. His numbers are just a small, short-term bump.

my numbers were for the same period of time as the data for the decline in teen births (because they came from the same source)......if they want to compare abortions since 1991 they need to present data for teen births since 1991.....
teens have babies all the time.

did you realize a 19 year old married woman can be in that statistic?

Do you realize that there is a difference between the pregnancy rate and the birth rate? One needs to know both to make a proper comparison. Now go fetch me the data. It is your meme, prove your point.
fuck you .

do your own homework you fact adverse phoney christian

Thank you for conceding that your thread is completely worthless and full of incomplete facts trying to prove a point. I humbly accept your concession. No need to be so angry ;)

Have a blessed day. I will pray that you find inner peace
please go get proof of your claim.

if calling someone a baby raper is illegal here shouldn't baby killing remarks be banned too?

Today 08:35 AM #32 | Top

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Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

how do you think jesus feels about you using those words as knifes on people?
How do you think Jesus feels about you using knives on babies?

"It [the draft] is duty rather than slavery. I part with the author on the caviler idea that individual freedom (whatever that may be to the person) leads to nirvana, anyone older that 12 knows that is BS."
-Midcan5 (liberals on freedom)

"Allow me to masturbate my patriotism furiously and publicly at this opportunity."
-Ib1yysguy (liberals on honoring fallen soldiers)

"There is no 'equal opportunity' today unless the government makes it so."
-apple0154 (liberals on constitutionalism)

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please go get proof of your claim.

if calling someone a baby raper is illegal here shouldn't baby killing remarks be banned too?

Today 08:35 AM #32 | Top

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Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

how do you think jesus feels about you using those words as knifes on people?
How do you think Jesus feels about you using knives on babies?

"It [the draft] is duty rather than slavery. I part with the author on the caviler idea that individual freedom (whatever that may be to the person) leads to nirvana, anyone older that 12 knows that is BS."
-Midcan5 (liberals on freedom)

"Allow me to masturbate my patriotism furiously and publicly at this opportunity."
-Ib1yysguy (liberals on honoring fallen soldiers)

"There is no 'equal opportunity' today unless the government makes it so."
-apple0154 (liberals on constitutionalism)

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are you too ignorant to use the quote feature properly?
I show it just like it cam up so the techs can find it easy.

people here alter quotes all the time and its ok apprently
the data I quoted comes from the link in the OP.......

followed some internal links from the OP and found the hard data....

You cited the numbers reported to the CDC and state health departments. In the notes...

* For most states, CDC/state data is incomplete.

AGI's numbers are far larger, seem more complete and accurate.

Neither set of numbers seem to be related to teens alone.


It seems abortion rates among teens have declined in California from 26 per 1000 in 2005 (Table R3.1) to 24 per 1000 in 2008 (Table 1.1).