Tell us your story of not choosing Gay

No one transitions a three year old you fucking liar
You would think not right? What age do you think parents get involved? There is a video of a mom talking about her non-binary 7 year old in the midst of the target crisis...
So you've got nothing... how strange you say it's political because it certainly shouldn't be any such thing... if you had a daughter who is three telling you that she is a boy would you help her "transition"? How so? mastectomy,her birth name and detransitioned.

Cole has said that her doctor did not follow the standards of care from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and that she did not know detransitioners existed until she was one.

From your link you stupid fuck
You would think not right? What age do you think parents get involved? There is a video of a mom talking about her non-binary 7 year old in the midst of the target crisis...

Now realize her Dr didn’t properly do her treatment

She requested the mastectomy and obviously her guardian approved it

Then the Dr like a fucking idiot did it when it’s not proper care at that age

Stop fucking lying about what the REAL TREATMENT IS
You would think not right? What age do you think parents get involved? There is a video of a mom talking about her non-binary 7 year old in the midst of the target crisis...

Stop lying you trash heap of Russian disinformation
If you have a boy of three telling people that they are not a boy but that they are a girl

No 12 year old is getting mastectomies you lying turd sack

This is just proof you assholes lie instead of dealing in truth

You hate peoples so you make up lies about people and medical procedures

You are a horrible human being trying to make political points by spewing fucking lies

And you expect people to use your lies instead of family decisions and medical science so your political party can have power over them

Fuck you evil liars

Eat shit out of the ass of a dead mule you useless excuse for a human being

No 12 year old is getting mastectomies you fucking liar
If this is so, how is it determined that a 4 year old is non binary? Or a 12 year old should have a double mastectomy and hormone therapy...At what age do you think children have the ability to "decide" for themselves if their gender somehow doesn't match up with their birth certificate?

You fucking lie about everything you evil dirt bag
We need to develop a reliable test so that gender ambiguous fetuses can be aborted early and not forced to live with this kind of stress.
We've got to become a more humane society and raise expectations as to what quality of life is acceptable.
We tolerate far too much discomfort now.

Life must be valued in qualitative terms like everything else.
The absolute value of life concept makes us cruel savages.

I hope this is some sick joke

If it’s not your are insane
You're a bot, you're neither. Stop stirring shit or I'll un plug you.

Come and “plug me”

See how that turns out for you shit pile

Bring your threats to me in real life cock gobbler

Let’s just see how that goes down
This is all these evil Fucks have

Empty threats

Time to treat them they way they deserve to be treated
Now realize her Dr didn’t properly do her treatment

She requested the mastectomy and obviously her guardian approved it

Then the Dr like a fucking idiot did it when it’s not proper care at that age

Stop fucking lying about what the REAL TREATMENT IS

Did she sue the doctor for malpractice? He sounds like the type to prescribe HCQ during the pandemic.
There is nothing in my beliefs that would care whether or not it was a choice so this is something I have never bothered to contemplate. Whatever you like is good so long as it is not making a victim out of another. Enjoy whatever type of consensual sex you prefer, the only way to cross the line is by going too young for consent, animals who cannot consent, etc. Once you step outside of consensual, that's the only time you've gone into territory I would care to make laws about.