Ten Commandments monument installed at Arkansas Capitol

The method of death is typically stoning in the Bible

well, unless its the ground opening up and swallowing you, being eaten by dogs after falling from a window, leprosy, having an Israelite army sent after you, getting a stone temple tumbled around your ears, big flood, burned in a fire, cut in half by a king who wants your mother to share you with her neighbor, or drowning in the sea when a legion of demons is cast into you..........
Death, but the manner is not specified in the passages I've read.

In the real world you don't get punished, you get rewarded with the presidency of the United States. #birtherism

So everyone at CNN who promoted the Russian / Trump collusion, should be put to death.

If they get rewarded, then how come Hillary isn't the President?
So everyone at CNN who promoted the Russian / Trump collusion, should be put to death.

CNN has certainly milked the collusion story (and all things Trump) for profit, but the investigation is legit, the story is legit, and whether he's innocent or guilty remains to be determined.

If they get rewarded, then how come Hillary isn't the President?

Trump was a better liar, lied more often, and specifically targeted his lies at the first black president in order to gain conservative support.
CNN has certainly milked the collusion story (and all things Trump) for profit, but the investigation is legit, the story is legit, and whether he's innocent or guilty remains to be determined.

Trump was a better liar, lied more often, and specifically targeted his lies at the first black president in order to gain conservative support.

What do you have to support your witness of the story being legit; especially after even CNN is admitting that the whole thing was fake news.
What do you have to support your witness of the story being legit; especially after even CNN is admitting that the whole thing was fake news.

I like that "your witness" part.......reminds me of what we call evangelism........I guess he does sound like a Collusion Evangelical.......I wonder if he's pre-mil or post-mil impeachment......
I like that "your witness" part.......reminds me of what we call evangelism........I guess he does sound like a Collusion Evangelical.......I wonder if he's pre-mil or post-mil impeachment......

I'm not sure he's either.
He almost seems to be just like those who profess atheism; but want to use the Bible to beat others, about the head and shoulders.
And this is how the liberal left behave, when they don't get their way.

Why one man keeps ramming his car into Ten Commandments statues on government property

In the video, the Arkansas Capitol dome can be seen lit against the night sky as the Dodge Dart accelerates to 10, then 20 mph.

Oh my goodness,” a man says as he flicks on the car’s lights. “Freedom!”

The vehicle speeds up the hill, and the last thing that comes into view before a crash is a large, newly installed monument.

Authorities say the man in the video is Michael Tate Reed, an alleged serial destroyer of Ten Commandments monuments.

He was arrested by state capitol police officers at the scene early Wednesday, according to Chris Powell, a spokesman for the Arkansas secretary of state. Reed is charged with criminal trespass, first-degree criminal mischief and defacing objects of public interest.

That object of public interest was a three-ton granite monument that had been installed less than 24 hours before its violent, pre-dawn demise on the southwest lawn of the state capitol in Little Rock.

Crews had cleaned up the crash site by late Wednesday morning and taken the broken pieces to storage, Powell said, but it was unclear whether*the controversial monument would be reinstalled.

Reed could not be reached for comment. Powell told The Washington Post he wasn’t sure whether Reed had been released from jail.

According to the Associated Press, a*2015 law required Arkansas to allow the Ten Commandments display near the capitol. But groups who argue for a strong separation of church and state have criticized the placement of a biblical statue on the grounds of the seat of the state’s government.

After plans for the Ten Commandments monument were announced, the satanic temple pushed for a competing statue of Baphomet, a goat-headed, angel-winged creature accompanied by two children smiling at it, the AP reported.

Other states have grappled with similar Ten Commandments controversies, including Oklahoma, which installed a 4,800-pound monument on its capitol grounds in 2012.

In 2014, Reed rammed a car into that monument, Powell said. But it was replaced and stood on the capitol grounds until the state Supreme Court ruled it had to be removed, according to The Washington Post’s Abby Phillip.

According to the Tulsa World, a judge ordered Reed to receive mental health treatment after that incident. He was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and released under an agreement that required him to continue treatment.

He sent a rambling letter to the newspaper apologizing and describing the voices in his head and his attempts to recover from mental health issues.

He also detailed one incident where voices told him to crash*his car into other vehicles, but instead he wrecked on a highway median. In the past, he’s walked into federal buildings to spit on portraits, made threats against former president Barack Obama and set money on fire, according to the World.

Reed appears to allude to the Oklahoma toppling incident in a Facebook post before the Arkansas statue was rammed.

“I’m a firm believer that for our salvation we not only have faith in Jesus Christ, but we also obey the commands of God and that we confess Jesus as Lord,” he says in the post. “But one thing I do not support is the violation of our constitutional right to have the freedom that’s guaranteed to us, that guarantees us the separation of church and state, because no one religion should the government represent.”

Later, he says he’s “back at it again,” and asks for people to donate money to help repair his car.


Maybe the DNC will run him as their next Presidential candidate, for 2020.

Judge sets bond for man arrested for monument's destruction

Bond is set at $100,000 bond for a 32-year-old man who police say intentionally smashed the Ten Commandments monument outside Arkansas' Capitol.

Michael Tate Reed appeared in court Thursday via video from the Pulaski County jail. According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (http://bit.ly/2sV6hmm ), Reed made multiple outbursts and told public defender Peggy Egan he didn't need her services.

Reed was arrested on preliminary charges of first-degree criminal mischief, criminal trespass, and defacing an object of public respect.

Authorities say Reed destroyed Arkansas' monument less than 24 hours after it was erected. He was also arrested in 2014 for destroying Oklahoma's Ten Commandments statue.

Egan told the judge that there may be "mental health concerns." Reed's relatives told The Oklahoman in 2014 that he has bipolar disorder and "some type of schizophrenia."


Looks like he's not considered a "danger to others or himself", seeing as how he's allowed to own and drive a car, plus having a drivers license.