Tesla Billionaire Elon Musk Issues $35 Trillion U.S. ‘Bankruptcy’ Warning




ROTFLMFAO!! This from a guy who has tanked 80% of the value of Twitter in the space of less than two years. Let's listen to this fucking idiot about the economy. Good grief, do you think before you post, dipshit?
same day the Biden/HarmUs administration announces FEMA is out of money because they've spent its funds on their illegal aliens........

No, Trump announced that. It is a lie. You didn't actually believe it, did you? OMFG you really are as stupid as you pretend to be. Amazing. He says it, you parrot. Wanna cracker?
This might be one of the dumbest threads ever posted here, and the responses are even fucking dumber. A guy who couldn't make a profit selling snake oil is going to lecture us about the state of the economy. A statement 'we set a record for high for the debt' that is literally true EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT PASSES, and then another suggestion that the first day of the Fiscal year doesn't require outlays that DO NOT OCCUR ON ANY OTHER DAY. Goddamn, the abject ignorance about the economy from people who actually consider themselves well informed is just laughable. How fucking dumb can people be?
We recently sent $200 billion of bombs to Ukraine, what did you think would happen?
The company(ies) making those bombs had $200,000,000,000 more in sales than they otherwise would have had. They employed more people who earned more money to spend in the economy in order to feed, clothe, and house their families...which IS what happened.

What did YOU think would happen?
No, Trump announced that. It is a lie. You didn't actually believe it, did you? OMFG you really are as stupid as you pretend to be. Amazing. He says it, you parrot. Wanna cracker?
He's underage and using his dad's JPP account.
This might be one of the dumbest threads ever posted here, and the responses are even fucking dumber. A guy who couldn't make a profit selling snake oil is going to lecture us about the state of the economy. A statement 'we set a record for high for the debt' that is literally true EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT PASSES, and then another suggestion that the first day of the Fiscal year doesn't require outlays that DO NOT OCCUR ON ANY OTHER DAY. Goddamn, the abject ignorance about the economy from people who actually consider themselves well informed is just laughable. How fucking dumb can people be?
Dumb enough to believe for decades that the R party knows best on the economy

The actual results and the numbers prove that is idiocy