Texas Governor Abbott bans laws allowing water breaks during deadly heat wave...

All the law did was rescind the two city’s ordinances, giving the state, which has no such requirement, to take control. Nothing was actually banned.
If the local law does not fit state though, this bill eliminates the local law, so if contractors don’t want to give water breaks, they are not required by State law to do so and it denies the right to sue.
No i do not and your lies won't make that true.

I am happy for conservatards to live as they want to their views as long as they are willing to let others do the same.

The problem is the republi'cans' have adopted a stance that on every issue, if they want to live one way or make certain choices they should seek to grab the power of government and force others to do the same. That has a name and is fascism.

the fuck you don't

Texas is a solid red state. If you fuck with workers to the point of making it unsafe, the courts will crush your business

we don't need liberal retards regulating this shit, then claiming you don't like it, leave.

derp derp tardo
the fuck you don't

Texas is a solid red state. If you fuck with workers to the point of making it unsafe, the courts will crush your business

we don't need liberal retards regulating this shit, then claiming you don't like it, leave.

derp derp tardo

WTF are you talking about?

Does that shit you spew out of your mouth only apply to workers? What about citizens?

Do you forget the 2021 Texas heat wave that lead to masses of citizens dying due to a privatized electrical grid, that did not have the gov't imposed minimum standards that other States have that would have prevented those loss of lives and yet how many of those deregulated Texas Utilities made RECORD PROFITS in that same heat wave as they jacked up prices due to SURGING DEMAND.

That they LITERALLY made more money because many of their systems shut down and failed to work, thus limiting supply, and so with high demand and low supply they charged record high amounts for it.

That is Saudi govt type shit where they deliberately create the situations to lower their output so they then can charge way more and make record profits but at least the Saudi's are not killing people like Texas is, for those profits.

GTF out of here with this falsehood that Texas GAF about people over profits.


...Natural gas companies were the biggest winners from the power outages —collectively raking in about $11 billion during the storm—in large part because the natural gas systems that supply so much of the state’s power grid are almost entirely unregulated. With hardly any oversight or transparency, gas suppliers can get away with setting exponentially high prices during energy crises—amounting to what critics say is legal price gouging. “This is one of the biggest problems that no one is talking about, and Kelcy Warren certainly doesn’t want people talking about it,” says Doug Lewin, an energy expert and president of Stoic Energy.

“The focus continues to be on ERCOT and the PUC and not on the gas system and Railroad Commission,” Lewin says. “That’s a huge benefit to the ONG industry as a whole and a huge detriment to Texans.”...

Texas is among worst states in U.S. for workers, study finds

...The Lone Star State fared poorly in all three of the study’s categories: wages, worker protections and organizing rights.

Analyzing data from all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, Oxfam found the Southern U.S. lagged behind much of the country....
the reason you have such laws is so that people cannot fired for taking one 10 minute water break per 4 hours, if they have a boss with a deadline, who does not care if he works the people until they drop.

What he banned was the ability to pass any other such laws protecting that workers in that way.

Yes, you are correct there.
If the local law does not fit state though, this bill eliminates the local law, so if contractors don’t want to give water breaks, they are not required by State law to do so and it denies the right to sue.

Yep, except perhaps if there is an OSHA requirement. Don’t know about that.
I worked for a plumbing company constructing new apartments in the summer in Houston. We were on a concrete slab reflecting the heat. The iron pipes were connected with hemp ropes covered in lead so we also had a heater to melt the lead. It was hot.

I recently built a new house and the carpenters, tile layers, and others worked long hours 6 days a week. I could give many more examples but to claim construction workers only work 2 hours a day is not true.

I never claimed that they only work two hours a day.
You cannot make this up folks.

1 mandatory 10 minute break each 4 hours, even during Texas style deadly heat waves is just too much. Companies should have the right to fire you if you try to take that break.

Can we all admit now that Republiclowns will always look for the most punitive and dangerous policies to implement, on behalf of corporations, when they get a chance to impose them?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Didn't you know you can actually drink water while working??????!? You don't need a 10 minute break to drink water!!!!
The Repub party is a subsidiary of corporations and the wealthy. The idea that regulations are bad is what the wealthy are selling to the Repubs. Worker safety takes a back seat to profits. Let workers die if profits go up. Vacations? Maternity leave? Sick days? They should not exist.

Gawd. You Democrats are SO STUPID that you don't even realize that you can drink water while you work!!! :laugh:
You really hate just about everything that is America, right?
Wanting people to work is hating America??????!? HOW DO YOU FIGURE THAT???
Blanket disdain for everyone who works in construction such that you would level such an accusation against them.
Yup. That's what it is. There is validity in that accusation.
If what you say is true then a law clearly ONLY defining one break per 4 hours would benefit the employers.
No, it doesn't.