How did we make it so well during all those years the fairness doectine was in place I wonder......
It depends on what you believe is "well". If you are a Libertarian and your opinion is shuffled to the side and never expressed because it is not a Government approved "opposite" of the other then you would find your definition of "fine" might be a little jaundiced.
We got along "fine" with the idiotic price-fixing of Nixon's but that doesn't mean the policy was right or even beneficial.
I see how much better it is now than before, I like it that way. I like choice in my network news. I like to be able to change channels and get an entirely different viewpoint. I like to be able to listen to the Libertarian on our talk raadio at night and the Democrat in the morning.
In my opinion it has gotten far better than before, choice is better than government homogenization at any moment of any day. If I like I can, and do, change over to the Liberal Talk station to listen to the diatribe of the day. I enjoy having these choices that I would not have otherwise when their unFairness Doctrine specifies the "opposite" of each opinion and we end up limited to the opinions of the major two again.
Your rationalization for returning to such censorship fails to be convincing in any way and all I have to do is remember the past. Playing "See the Same Story on all Three News Shows" while flipping through the channels....
I will continue to prefer my choices over a standardization and homogenization of Government-Approved "news" and opinion.