Texas Museum Puts Donald Trump Wax Statue in Storage Because People Kept Punching It

[FONT=&]Donald Trump’s detractors appear to be taking out their frustrations on a wax replica of the former president.

[FONT=&]The San Antonio Express-News reports that the replica had to be placed in storage after multiple visitors attacked it. The statue is located at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, a branch of the Ripley Entertainment Corp.


Thank you So much for posting this;)
[FONT=&]Donald Trump’s detractors appear to be taking out their frustrations on a wax replica of the former president.

[FONT=&]The San Antonio Express-News reports that the replica had to be placed in storage after multiple visitors attacked it. The statue is located at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, a branch of the Ripley Entertainment Corp.



I wouldn't mind using that statue as a boxing bag myself.
I'd like to see that wing of the waxed museum. [OK, "like" might be the wrong word.]

It would be interesting to imagine who else would be featured in the Trump section.

Hitler and Mussolini are low hanging fruit.
Be more imaginative.
I'd like to see that wing of the waxed museum. [OK, "like" might be the wrong word.]

It would be interesting to imagine who else would be featured in the Trump section.

Hitler and Mussolini are low hanging fruit.
Be more imaginative.

Steve Bannon, complete with greasy hair, pockmarked face, clutching a presidential pardon in his grubby fist?

Bare-chested Putin on a horse with a Trump face on it?

Kim lovingly stroking one of his missiles?
We need to figure out what part if any Hollywood has played in the promotion of this approval of violence that is eating America alive.

hatred has been promoted by calling the virus the Trump virus.........studies have shown that things like that lead to violence.......
demmycunts are where you find them......

Democrats are where the Republicans make them. The reason Republicans are losing Texas is because they are failing. They are turning the voters into Democrats. Voters left to their own devises will just keep voting the same. Democrats will not be able to change their minds. Only Republicans can hand Texas to Democrats, not Democrats.
Democrats are where the Republicans make them. The reason Republicans are losing Texas is because they are failing. They are turning the voters into Democrats. Voters left to their own devises will just keep voting the same. Democrats will not be able to change their minds. Only Republicans can hand Texas to Democrats, not Democrats.

Give them time, the Citizens of Texas are seeing how badly the Repubs have run things and the day is coming that Texas once again becomes a Blue State, and at that point the WH will be out of reach for the Repubs for decades to come.
[FONT=&]Donald Trump’s detractors appear to be taking out their frustrations on a wax replica of the former president.

[FONT=&]The San Antonio Express-News reports that the replica had to be placed in storage after multiple visitors attacked it. The statue is located at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, a branch of the Ripley Entertainment Corp.



Waiting for the inevitable pictures of someone sticking their dick in its mouth. :)
Give them time, the Citizens of Texas are seeing how badly the Repubs have run things and the day is coming that Texas once again becomes a Blue State, and at that point the WH will be out of reach for the Repubs for decades to come.

The Republicans have been fucking up for 30 years. They gave away the 2020 election. While they might win back the Senate in 2022, I doubt they'll win the WH in 2024 unless Harris really fucks up.
This would explain why so many fucktards are afraid to come to Texas even when they are invited several times.

The Republicans have been fucking up for 30 years. They gave away the 2020 election. While they might win back the Senate in 2022, I doubt they'll win the WH in 2024 unless Harris really fucks up.

Yeup and if they lose Texas they will not see the WH for many years to come. We are getting closer and the Repubs in our State are doing all they can to turn the State Blue as quickly as they can. Abbott is tripping all over himself try to distract from his big screw up of how our power grid is set up and run, including opening the State saying all is well, which we know will come back and bite us and him, and now it is the border crisis and he had to seen troops to the border, while ignoring that he did it in 2018 and 2019 while trump was President. The People of the State are getting sick and tired of his and the Republican BS and every election the GOP loses more ground and they know it, the writing is on the wall for them it is just a matter of time now.
Yeup and if they lose Texas they will not see the WH for many years to come. We are getting closer and the Repubs in our State are doing all they can to turn the State Blue as quickly as they can. Abbott is tripping all over himself try to distract from his big screw up of how our power grid is set up and run, including opening the State saying all is well, which we know will come back and bite us and him, and now it is the border crisis and he had to seen troops to the border, while ignoring that he did it in 2018 and 2019 while trump was President. The People of the State are getting sick and tired of his and the Republican BS and every election the GOP loses more ground and they know it, the writing is on the wall for them it is just a matter of time now.

Agreed on Texas. Factor in that, due to Republicans serving only themselves as a Pup Tent Party, odds are they'll be handing Florida over to the Democrats too.



Typical fucking violent leftists...

In the past they had to put Obama in storage because his figure was attacked and actually had ears orn off. So maybe you should be talking about the typical fucking violent righties.

“We’ve always had trouble with the presidential section because no matter what president it was – Bush, Obama or Trump – they’ve all had people beat them. The ears were torn off Obama six times."