Texas Republicans-EVIL Incarnate

Well.... We could just have one thread where everyone got to discuss everything, but I personally think threads work best if their topics are a bit more narrow in scope. Wouldn't you agree, STY?
sure. we can make a section where just the conservatives can post, and one where the liberals can post. each side can backslap each other on how great they are while how sucky the other side is. Then us Libertarians can post in each forum blasting both of you for your idiot ways and then you both can team up and ridicule us.
Is there nothing so low these "family values" slimeballs won't stoop to try?

Wendy Davis Confirms Time Change on Texas Vote Count Deliberate – Expects an Investigation

You might recall the efforts by Texas Republicans to falsify the vote count on the controversial abortion bill earlier this week.

Of particular note are the following two screenshots taken from the Texas Legislature Online site. At 12:54 a.m. Wednesday morning the site showed SB-5 as having been passed on “6-26-13″ or after the legislative deadline of midnight:

screenshots at link:


At the time, the Statesman.com out of Austin, Texas, reports that Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) told a crowd outside the Senate door that she did not believe that the vote was proper and predicted a court challenge. Davis told reporters that her effort to filibuster the bill was worth it even if the results were ambiguous at best and went on to note that “Constitutionally, we are not to take votes or have any other action after midnight.”

Eventually Republicans conceded that the vote was too late, but questions still linger regarding the time changes online. That is until last night when Senator Davis confirmed during an interview with Anderson Cooper that the change in the online record was deliberate with the intention to deceive. Davis also noted that she expected that action to result in an investigation.

Rebulicans evil incarnate? Come on Zappa that's hyperbole....I mean they may be good but they're not THAT GOOD!
sure. we can make a section where just the conservatives can post, and one where the liberals can post. each side can backslap each other on how great they are while how sucky the other side is. Then us Libertarians can post in each forum blasting both of you for your idiot ways and then you both can team up and ridicule us.

OR.... and this is a crazy wacky concept, but hear me out..... Everyone, from all points on the political spectrum could intelligently and maturely argue the pros and cons of the thread subject and not turn every thread into a juvenile digression that sounds something like, "Yeah? well remember back when YOU GUYS acted like poopoo heads???"

I know... It' wild, but it just might work.
you will never again be able to tell a woman what to do with the very flesh inside her body.

You will lose this battle.

If you cared about what you claim to care about you would be spending your time helping poor women deside to keep their fetuses and carry them to term.

You dont care you just pretend to care for political reasons
OR.... and this is a crazy wacky concept, but hear me out..... Everyone, from all points on the political spectrum could intelligently and maturely argue the pros and cons of the thread subject and not turn every thread into a juvenile digression that sounds something like, "Yeah? well remember back when YOU GUYS acted like poopoo heads???"

I know... It' wild, but it just might work.
again, the translation appears to be 'we don't want to talk about our own hypocrisy'. right?
No. There is no "translation" necessary. My words stand by themselves as written. I am not pointing fingers at any segment of the political spectrum. If the shoes fits....
in other words, you don't want to discuss the unethical crap that democrats do because you want them to do that. you just want to bitch about the evil republicans.

So in other words, you're scared to discuss the unethical garbage that Texas "family values" Righties just tried to slide past the voters, and you think you can just hijack this thread with more of the same tired "well they did it too" nonsense.
again, the translation appears to be 'we don't want to talk about our own hypocrisy'. right?

Sadly, the only people who appear to need "translation" are the same pig-headed Righties who PLAY at being "Libertarian" but who somehow just will NOT discuss the hateful actions their own party takes.
I find it ironic that Zappas used the word "incarnate," meaning to take on human/bodily form. This is a word often associated with the humanity of Christ, and here we have baby killers dropping it.