Althea told me...
You've lied twice. You've proved nothing.No, it didn't and I've proven that here at least twice already.
You've lied twice. You've proved nothing.No, it didn't and I've proven that here at least twice already.
You've lied twice. You've proved nothing.
Really? What do you think they do with spent uranium? Hint...we dumped thousands of them in Iraq.
LMAO.Depleted uranium is material left over after enrichment. It isn't used in nuclear power plants, nor is it made from spent fuel that is chock-a-block with fission fragments that aren't uranium at all.
So nuke power is produced without enriched uranium. That's fascinating.
I don't have to know how things work. I can just look at the conclusions and facts.
And that is Dems are dominant and smart and republi'cans' are useless and dumb.
If you can give Republi'cans' a State like Texas and all the power positions and yet DEMS STILL RUN SHIT THERE, that just exposes how weak the republi'cans' are. Sorry if you don't like that truth. How much more power do Republi'cans' need before they can actually wield power?
If you can give a GOP POTUS like Trump all the levers of power (AG, DoJ, FBI) and yet DEMS STILL RUN SHIT THERE, that just further exposes how weak the republi'cans' are. Sorry if you don't like that truth. How much more power do Republi'cans' need before they can actually wield power?
A drop in the bucket, so to speak.
More proof redneck red state leaders can't manage their infrastructures and power grids because they're too obsessed with reelecting Trump, blocking Mexicans and writing laws and regulations which allow themselves and their corporate CEO buddies to line their own pockets instead of keeping things up to date.
Not if you believe it
No, proof wind and solar can't replace fossile fuel
You might ask who's subsidizing that...
You are showing your bias and partisan views that are based on Democrat lies
No, proof wind and solar can't replace fossile fuel
There has never been "proof" that any new technology would or could replace existing technology.
Agreed. The proof is merely presumed when the new technology becomes more prevalent than the earlier existing tech.
That happens for a demonstrable reason, usually.
This could very well happen with new power generation strategies
but has it actually happened yet?
You do not ask or care about O&G subsidies and even deny them existing, past or present.
Will you admit now that O&G and ICE Manufacturers have been one of the largest beneficiaries of subsidies world wide for most of their industries existence?
As I've repeatedly demonstrated to you, and on this board what you are saying is bullshit. Oil and gas receive next to no subsidies in the US. Most, roughly 90% of those so-called subsidies listed on greentard sites and the like are nothing but accounting methods allowed to any corporation, like using LIFO accounting for order of sales, tax deductions for depreciation of assets and the like.
Now, you can rant on about what other countries are doing in terms of subsidies, but the US doesn't subsidize oil and gas production hardly at all.
On the other hand, solar and wind get huge government grants, tax breaks, and other direct subsidies to operate. Those are real subsidies, not accounting tricks. In addition, many states are mandating a certain percentage of wind and solar generation by various dates, and are paying companies to move to those sources. Like the ones listed here:
The United States provides a number of tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry as a means of encouraging domestic energy production. These include both direct subsidies to corporations, as well as other tax benefits to the fossil fuel industry. Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil. European Union subsidies are estimated to total 55 billion euros annually....
Calculating the cost of U.S. subsidies for the fossil fuel industry is complex because the incentives stretch across the U.S. tax code, but estimates range from $10 to $50 billion per year.
Taxpayer advocates and environmental groups argue the subsidies are inappropriate at a time when the federal government is trying to shift the economy to cleaner forms of energy to fight climate change.
The oil industry counters that the support is needed to ensure ongoing investment and reliable supply...
U.S. oil and gas subsidies include provisions ranging from incentives for domestic production, write-offs and deductions tied to foreign production and income, and approved accounting methods that can reduce the stated taxable value of assets.
One specific U.S. tax break on domestic production, for example, called intangible drilling costs, allows producers to deduct a majority of their costs from drilling new wells. The Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan panel of Congress, has estimated that eliminating it could generate $13 billion for the public coffers over 10 years.
Another, the percentage depletion tax break, which allows independent producers to recover development costs of declining oil gas and coal reserves, could generate about $12.9 billion in revenue over 10 years, according to the panel...
Yes but what you tell us is lies.
The problem with subsidizing Big Oil is that on the one hand it keeps the price of fuel lower than it might be, but as we now see the free market in this nation is driving the price up artificially. Capitalism will always be about profits above all. We bragged about being the worlds biggest producer a few years ago, only to see Wall St. demand production cuts to hike prices after getting an ass beating due to the trump virus.
I think the Feds. should set up a national oil program and sell at cost. But that's Socialism according to some that ignore govt. bailouts/subsidies as being exactly the same.