Thailand's foreign retirees see their good life slip away

The pound has gone from a low of 36 to 41 baht. That's an increase of just over 12%, still some way to go but heading in the right direction.
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Some good news!

Two more Thai coronavirus patients recover, are discharged

In a bit of good news, two more of Thailand’s COVID-19 coronavirus patients have made full recoveries and and returned home, bringing the number to 33. What’s more, 2,629 out of 4,366 cases under investigation, well over half, have been cleared and also returned home.

Deputy director-general of the Disease Control Department Dr. Thanarak Pleepat told a news conference today that confirmed coronavirus infections to date in Thailand remain at 50.
But for those living here on fixed savings or pensions, the baht's strength has decimated their income. British expats have lost about 30% of their purchasing power following the pound's plummet in the wake of Brexit.

Pattaya has been a haven for expats ever since American servicemen flocked here for sun and sleaze during the Vietnam War

Yuck, why anyone would want to live in a humid sticky hot bug- and disease-laden place like that is beyond me. I bet the citizens aren't thrilled with the influx of foreigners either.
Yuck, why anyone would want to live in a humid sticky hot bug- and disease-laden place like that is beyond me. I bet the citizens aren't thrilled with the influx of foreigners either.

You really are incredibly stupid even by Septic standards. Have you had your phone sex session with Crypiss yet, he's well into grabbing grannys so I hear.
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
Yuck, why anyone would want to live in a humid sticky hot bug- and disease-laden place like that is beyond me.

anyone who lives in the UP has no standing to complain about where people choose to live.......
Yuck, why anyone would want to live in a humid sticky hot bug- and disease-laden place like that is beyond me. I bet the citizens aren't thrilled with the influx of foreigners either.

You obviously have not been to Southeast Asia. First it’s spectacularly beautiful and you can have a beachfront home or a home in the mountains where the temperatures are milder for a fraction of what it costs here. In addition Thailand has pretty close to a first world infrastructure and the cost of living is roughly half of what it is here.

Now don’t get me wrong, to live a middle class life style you still need money. For example, for about $2,500 per month net income I can have pretty much the same standard of living, with first world accommodations, that I have here for about $4500/ month. Now I could live for significantly less, say around $1,000/month in the provinces but I’d be living a local lifestyle, eating local food and living in local housing and have a decent lifestyle but I wouldn’t have the lifestyle I have here.

The other issue is can you adjust to the cultural differences and integrate like would be expected if you immigrated here?

Now having said that, I could retire to rural Mississippi on $2500/month and have close to the same standard of living I have in suburban Columbus for $4,500/month.

I personally want to have the experience of living abroad so the misses and I may live abroad for a year just for the experience but I have no desire to leave the US permanently.
I personally want to have the experience of living abroad so the misses and I may live abroad for a year just for the experience but I have no desire to leave the US permanently.

No, I've never been to Asia nor do I have any desire to go there. Their food, culture, music, living conditions, climate, etc. are not attractive to me. I also would never consider moving (or even a long-term stay) in an area where I would not want to at least try to assimilate to some extent. It's just rude not to. For that reason I'm also disinterested in living in the rural Mississippi you mentioned, or in Seattle, or NYC.

It would be cool to live abroad for an extended time though, just to learn about another spot on our planet. Maybe Iceland, or Norway, Switzerland, northern Italy, British Columbia.
No, I've never been to Asia nor do I have any desire to go there. Their food, culture, music, living conditions, climate, etc. are not attractive to me. I also would never consider moving (or even a long-term stay) in an area where I would not want to at least try to assimilate to some extent. It's just rude not to. For that reason I'm also disinterested in living in the rural Mississippi you mentioned, or in Seattle, or NYC.

It would be cool to live abroad for an extended time though, just to learn about another spot on our planet. Maybe Iceland, or Norway, Switzerland, northern Italy, British Columbia.

I would not sell Asia short. Also, American culture is very popular in Southeast Asia and the people are very friendly and hospitable but if you wouldn’t be able to adapt outside the great white north then it wouldn’t be for you.

Personally I love it there and you’d be hard pressed to find a more beautiful place than the Islands.
I would not sell Asia short. Also, American culture is very popular in Southeast Asia and the people are very friendly and hospitable but if you wouldn’t be able to adapt outside the great white north then it wouldn’t be for you.
Personally I love it there and you’d be hard pressed to find a more beautiful place than the Islands.

To each their own, eh? I have no interest in teeming cities and beaches, hot humid climates and sticky nights, and bugs bugs bugs.

We watch that House Hunters International program on HGTV. My skin crawls for the entire episode when they show ppl looking for apartments in those hot, crowded, sweltering places like VN, Thailand, etc. lol
To each their own, eh? I have no interest in teeming cities and beaches, hot humid climates and sticky nights, and bugs bugs bugs.

We watch that House Hunters International program on HGTV. My skin crawls for the entire episode when they show ppl looking for apartments in those hot, crowded, sweltering places like VN, Thailand, etc. lol

You're a truly ignorant person, narrow minded and bigoted. Stay where you are in your mosquito infested backwater it's where you belong.
To each their own, eh? I have no interest in teeming cities and beaches, hot humid climates and sticky nights, and bugs bugs bugs.

We watch that House Hunters International program on HGTV. My skin crawls for the entire episode when they show ppl looking for apartments in those hot, crowded, sweltering places like VN, Thailand, etc. lol

I’m sorry but you’re stereotyping. I mean sure Manila, and Bangkok and Saigon are teaming crowded large cities but so are New York, Chicago, LA, etc,. Where as my father in-laws farm in Luzon is very reminiscent of my Uncles Farm in Indiana and the bug thing is mostly a figment of your imagination unless you plan on hiking through an unpopulated rain forest.

It can certainly be sweltering hot there but that’s like around 3 months a year...kinda like Winter here.