APP - thank goodness we bailed them out

The primary purpose of the bailout wasn't to bail them out. Tinfoil would be homeless right now if we hadn't not stabilized the economy that the politicians he'd been voting for for his entire voting life had destabilized. I absolutely despise this irrational populist garbage.
Screw "orderly unwinding". that's just golden parachute money for the fuckups.

Let it all come tumbling down. Let the world economy fail.

The U.S. will recover first because of the individualistic nature of our citizenry.

We're fairly brainwashed, but less brainwashed than all others.
The primary purpose of the bailout wasn't to bail them out. Tinfoil would be homeless right now if we hadn't not stabilized the economy that the politicians he'd been voting for for his entire voting life had destabilized. I absolutely despise this irrational populist garbage.

LOL can a repsonse be any more stupid than this?

What an idiot. The bailout was a joke. what will it take for you moronic liberals to understand? Oh yeah, there would have to be a republican in office!
How ******* funny can you guys get?

The bailout was the result of failed conservative policy.

It was one of the few times that nearly every ******* finacial expert agreed on what HAD to happen next.

Great Depression.

This country may (I do stress may) have averted a huge disaster.

What do you fools do?

try to blame it on Obama.

Do you have any idea who did the bailout?
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How ******* funny can you guys get?

The bailout was the result of failed conservative policy.

It was one of the few times that nearly every ******* finacial expert agreed on what HAD to happen next.

Great Depression.

This country may (I do stress may) have averted a huge disaster.

What do you fools do?

try to blame it on Obama.

Do you have any idea who did the bailout?

It was mostly about liberals insisting that poor people get mortgages they can't afford.

Learn to think.
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How ******* funny can you guys get?

The bailout was the result of failed conservative policy.

It was one of the few times that nearly every ******* finacial expert agreed on what HAD to happen next.

Great Depression.

This country may (I do stress may) have averted a huge disaster.

What do you fools do?

try to blame it on Obama.

Do you have any idea who did the bailout?

We were against the bailouts YOU supported.

People like you are responsible for this mess.
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People like me and every finacial expert in the ******* world.

You supported ideas that nearly distroyed thisw entire country and its markets.

Your ideas failed in practice and here you sit still defending them as if they proved correct.
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People like me and every finacial expert in the fucking world.

You supported ideas that nearly distroyed thisw entire country and its markets.

Your ideas failed in practice and here you sit still defending them as if they proved correct.

Why are you being so stupid?

when are you going to stop trusting "experts"? How many times do you have to be ripped off before you wise up?
People like me and every finacial expert in the ******* world.

You supported ideas that nearly distroyed thisw entire country and its markets.

Your ideas failed in practice and here you sit still defending them as if they proved correct.

Why are you being so stupid?

So called "experts" are paid to lie by totaltarian bankers.

Fiat money is what allows the asset bubbles to be created, so they can be popped to induce mass panic.

Fools like you fall for the stupidity hook, line and sinker.

Wise up, moron.
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how many other companies will we see go bankrupt after accepting bailout money in order to pay the CEOs and upper management their multimillon dollar bonuses?

hey desh, does it do your heart good to make sure the ruling elite got their bonuses at our expense?
I screamed when Paulson insisted ther be NO rules for the cos when he handed out the money.

All the dems did, the right fought hard to give them the money without strings.

Be very proud and remember the Rs did the bailout.
I screamed when Paulson insisted ther be NO rules for the cos when he handed out the money.

All the dems did, the right fought hard to give them the money without strings.

Be very proud and remember the Rs did the bailout.

and I hold them just as accountable. the problem lies with your revolving door power switch that allows their side and then your side to continue to abuse it's privilege and power against us.
We have these things called elections.

Its called democracy

really? how does that work exactly? every 6 years we get tired of the republican side screwing us over for big business, so we elect the democrats only to experience the same screwing us over. So how is that democracy? do we get to elect people who WON'T screw us over? no, we don't get that opportunity and you know exactly why. Because YOU support this kind of two party fascism. by ONLY voting democrat, you continue the cycle of abuse.

thanks for playing, liberal.
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I screamed when Paulson insisted ther be NO rules for the cos when he handed out the money.

All the dems did, the right fought hard to give them the money without strings.

Be very proud and remember the Rs did the bailout. dems voted or supported the bailout....obama didn't didn't oversee the latter of half of the bailout....
