APP - thank goodness we bailed them out

good question...i don't remember, but i do remember some being against the bailouts....

just more of evince's truthiness
I believe a majority of Rs in the Senate did, but the Congress wasn't even close to a majority.
good question...i don't remember, but i do remember some being against the bailouts....

just more of evince's truthiness
Democrats backed the bailout by 140 - 95 votes, or roughly 60 - 40. Republicans opposed it by 133 to 65, or 67 - 33. ...
who was president and whos cabinet came up with it?
You can congratulate yourself for being on the same side as George Walker Bush, I'm sure it makes you proud to support him so dogmatically. The pride of the Democratic party is that they can point to Bush and say, "See? They all supported it!" while ignoring that the vast majority of Rs in Congress voted against it.