Thank you so much, everyone.............

because it used to be a place where you could say whatever you wanted to say, now you can't. When Jim sold that place it went downhill real quick.

We know that they keep throwing Steven out...and apparently changing return dates.
USMB sucks. It was good 15 years ago but now? It sucks.
I kinda like it on there. There are SO many more thread forums to post on, and there ARE a lot of decent, smart conservatives who post on the site. However, the moderators there suck. Not NEARLY as bad as Phanny Dismal, but pretty darn close. I like only 2 or 3 of them out of about 10 or so.
I kinda like it on there. There are SO many more thread forums to post on, and there ARE a lot of decent, smart conservatives who post on the site. However, the moderators there suck. Not NEARLY as bad as Phanny Dismal, but pretty darn close. I like only 2 or 3 of them out of about 10 or so.

It was a lot better 15 years ago. You don't know what you missed out on.
It was a lot better 15 years ago. You don't know what you missed out on.

The same is true of of smart fun people from all over the world then....a real community....took pride in being truth tellers.

All decimated now.
We know that they keep throwing Steven out...and apparently changing return dates.

That's right. I've been banned five times now, I probably didn't deserve any of them. The last four were for excessively making fun of the liberal lunatics that post on there. And I wasn't vulgar or profane. I'd post stuff like, "Like wow!" or "Just wonderful!" or stuff like, "To say nothing of the llamas!", or "Not to mention the asparagus!", in response to absolutely horrific stupid posts by the libtards. I was actually banned for this. Dreadful. That's it for me tonight, it's almost 2:30 AM here, and my ass is REALLY dragging. Have a good one.
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Sorry whore, not today. Not tomorrow or next week either. Whazza matter, your toxic twin dropped her phone in the toilet again? Here's something for you to look at. :laugh:

This message is hidden because Steven VanderMoron is on your ignore list.
Sorry whore, not today. Not tomorrow or next week either. Whazza matter, your toxic twin dropped her phone in the toilet again? Here's something for you to look at. :laugh:

This message is hidden because Steven VanderMoron is on your ignore list.

See what I mean about forgetting to ban pieces of human excrement?;)
Sadly, StoneByStone has fallen off my "favorites" list. While she IS honest, and can be incredibly funny at times, she's HORRIFICALLY STUPID when it comes to ANYTHING of a political nature. Sorry, Stoney, you LOSE.

Please disregard the previous post. Stoney is back in my top five favorites, where she SHOULD be. I was hoping to be able to edit my OP for this thread, but I was unable to do so. Welcome back, Stoney!
For making my time on here the last couple months or so a LOT of fun. I'll be returning to another site, USMB, one week from tomorrow. I'm NOT leaving THIS site, by any means. I'll just be posting MUCH less on here. It's been a joy making new "friends" on this site the last couple months. I'd like to mention some people in particular, who have helped make this an enjoyable experience for me. AProudLefty, who I call APL, for his incredible honesty and his wonderful sense of humor, Truth Detector, who I call TD, for his ability to rip libtards a new asshole ALL of the time, and for his VERY humorous way of doing it, TOP, THE nicest and kindest person I've "met" on here, Flanders, for their ALWAYS intelligent and insightful posts, and Stretch, also for THEIR always intelligent and insightful posts. You are my "favorite five" on here. You have truly made it fun and interesting for me. Thank you SO very much. I've also reached my goal of 10,000 posts made on here. THAT was my MAIN goal to attain before August 1st. I WILL slow down these last 8 days or so before I return to USMB. Thanks, again, EVERYONE, on here, you ROCK.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass