That 'C'-Word Thang

Define "class".

Class, to me, is about 90% ol' fashioned good manners.

I was stunned by your answer on the NWA example; as though using that word would be bad in Compton, because you could get killed, with the implication being that it's just fine to use in a situation where there is no threat.

I understand that people give these words power by reacting to them with offense, but that doesn't change the fact that a great many people react to them with offense. Part of living in a society, and showing some class or manners or whatever you want to call it, is respecting that. If you don't want to respect that, fine, but don't expect praise for it, or for people to buy your BS allusions to Chaucer & Joyce.

Seriously, if you're this way in life, I don't know how you get through it. I'm glad most people in the realm of my existence have at least a basic enough respect for one another not to talk the way you do (which, quite obviously, is geared toward eliciting some sort of reaction; I'm no psychologist, but there is no doubt an issue there....)
Class, to me, is about 90% ol' fashioned good manners.

I was stunned by your answer on the NWA example; as though using that word would be bad in Compton, because you could get killed, with the implication being that it's just fine to use in a situation where there is no threat.

I understand that people give these words power by reacting to them with offense, but that doesn't change the fact that a great many people react to them with offense. Part of living in a society, and showing some class or manners or whatever you want to call it, is respecting that. If you don't want to respect that, fine, but don't expect praise for it, or for people to buy your BS allusions to Chaucer & Joyce.

Seriously, if you're this way in life, I don't know how you get through it. I'm glad most people in the realm of my existence have at least a basic enough respect for one another not to talk the way you do (which, quite obviously, is geared toward eliciting some sort of reaction; I'm no psychologist, but there is no doubt an issue there....)

We had a free speech movement in the 60's wherein class was thrown out as archaic and replaced with freedom... :321:
Class, to me, is about 90% ol' fashioned good manners.

I was stunned by your answer on the NWA example; as though using that word would be bad in Compton, because you could get killed, with the implication being that it's just fine to use in a situation where there is no threat.
People only restrain themselves because of the consequences of their actions-- it should be no shock.

I understand that people give these words power by reacting to them with offense, but that doesn't change the fact that a great many people react to them with offense. Part of living in a society, and showing some class or manners or whatever you want to call it, is respecting that.
I didn't realise that the word "cunt" was such a revolutionary thing, considering it is probably about 5 times older than this country. If only I had known that the non-usage of the word "cunt" was the cornerstone keeping civilisation from collapsing into the sea, I would never have done it!

If you don't want to respect that, fine, but don't expect praise for it, or for people to buy your BS allusions to Chaucer & Joyce.
They are allusions if they are direct references, but ok. Hell, even Shakespeare puns off of the word-- I thought maybe you would appreciate him more.

Seriously, if you're this way in life, I don't know how you get through it.
If I am what? Honest? Uninhibited? Depends on the situation...obviously my language around my friends will be much different from my language in court.
I'm glad most people in the realm of my existence have at least a basic enough respect for one another not to talk the way you do (which, quite obviously, is geared toward eliciting some sort of reaction; I'm not psychologist, but there is no doubt an issue there....)
It isn't geared towards a reaction-- it is geared toward not putting up with bullshit.

Consider this if you will: I put up with bullshit all throughout my day, all throughout my life. So excuse me if I put aside social niceties and tell people what I really think about them when they are a) attention whores, b) online strangers, c) people I will never met, d) all of the above.

I do not have to put up with the same levels of pseudo-intellectual bullshit online that I put up with in my real life, nor do I have to protect anyone's feelings, because none of us are friends (with the exception of me and one other here) and none of us will ever meet if I don't want to.
We had a free speech movement in the 60's wherein class was thrown out as archaic and replaced with freedom... :321:

Yes, let us not forget about that whole thing.

But this is exactly the hypocrisy that drives me from the Democratic party-- and you will notice that most of the outrage is coming from the left.

They are the party of freedom-- as long as it is the same freedom they want.

The party of free speech-- until you say something they find offensive.

The party of open-mindedness-- until you disagree with them (unless you disagree with them but are from a different culture).
The ignoring and such, my dear friends (those of you with brains), reveals the true goal of the left--- control.

They fear freedom that they cannot control, they fear real freedom as represented by me, because I spit in the face of their social niceties, of their pathetic party-line hackery that they believe is revolutionary only in that it pisses off the safe to piss off-- old men that sit in offices all day and never see the real world.

These people are as soft as the "Man" that they are rebelling against, and the cannot stand that some ACTUALLY are free.











The ignoring and such, my dear friends (those of you with brains), reveals the true goal of the left--- control.

They fear freedom that they cannot control, they fear real freedom as represented by me, because I spit in the face of their social niceties, of their pathetic party-line hackery that they believe is revolutionary only in that it pisses off the safe to piss off-- old men that sit in offices all day and never see the real world.

These people are as soft as the "Man" that they are rebelling against, and the cannot stand that some ACTUALLY are free.

Delusions of grandeur. Good luck with the revolution; that's a grand vision you have, there...
Delusions of grandeur. Good luck with the revolution; that's a grand vision you have, there...

A grand vision? You mean not bowing to the will of the pseudo-liberty represented by the Democratic Party?

It isn't grand at all-- it is common sense that freedom means freedom, not what is comfortable for the rest of society. It is the same reason that people make art that some find offensive, that noise music exists, that books are written in non-traditional forms, etc.

It is actual freedom.
A grand vision? You mean not bowing to the will of the pseudo-liberty represented by the Democratic Party?

It isn't grand at all-- it is common sense that freedom means freedom, not what is comfortable for the rest of society. It is the same reason that people make art that some find offensive, that noise music exists, that books are written in non-traditional forms, etc.

It is actual freedom.

C'mon, man - that's a pretty pathetic soapbox you just pulled out. Leading the revolution with a derogatory epithet about women? Democrat hacks aren't 'free' because they don't use the word like they'd use "ma'am"? Censoring you for pointing out that this might - just MIGHT, mind you - not be the best manners?

Vote GOP if that's your vision of a free, utopian society. I'll stick to real freedom & a more robust definition of liberty...
C'mon, man - that's a pretty pathetic soapbox you just pulled out. Leading the revolution with a derogatory epithet about women? Democrat hacks aren't 'free' because they don't use the word like they'd use "ma'am"? Censoring you for pointing out that this might - just MIGHT, mind you - not be the best manners?

Vote GOP if that's your vision of a free, utopian society. I'll stick to real freedom & a more robust definition of liberty...

I'm not leading anything, and cunt is not at the forefront. Cunt is merely a symptom of the Democratic problem.

I'm not voting GOP, either. Real freedom? Censorship?