That prediction did not go well! - Teflon Don a loser.


Well-known member
"Now that the President has outlined a plan to open up the economy look for HUGE spikes in reported deaths out of democrat enclaves like NY, NJ, MA, CT and MI. Wouldn't surprise me if you see many of them go back like Deblahblah did in NYC and say "I think they were COVID19 deaths. They had a fever and even though we didn't test them for COVID19, there is no way it could have been any other virus. None whatsoever"

I know these people better than they know themselves
" - April 17, 2020

What states are seeing the huge spikes?
Trump Bankrupts EVERYTHING he touches .... now he’s doing the same to a Booming Economy he was handed by President Barack Obama ...

Now Democrats have to do what they always do, Fix Republican Fuck Up’s
"Now that the President has outlined a plan to open up the economy look for HUGE spikes in reported deaths out of democrat enclaves like NY, NJ, MA, CT and MI. Wouldn't surprise me if you see many of them go back like Deblahblah did in NYC and say "I think they were COVID19 deaths. They had a fever and even though we didn't test them for COVID19, there is no way it could have been any other virus. None whatsoever"

I know these people better than they know themselves
" - April 17, 2020

What states are seeing the huge spikes?

Did I type the words “ I make a prediction”?

I don’t see those words. EPIC FAIL
"Now that the President has outlined a plan to open up the economy look for HUGE spikes in reported deaths out of democrat enclaves like NY, NJ, MA, CT and MI. Wouldn't surprise me if you see many of them go back like Deblahblah did in NYC and say "I think they were COVID19 deaths. They had a fever and even though we didn't test them for COVID19, there is no way it could have been any other virus. None whatsoever"

I know these people better than they know themselves
" - April 17, 2020

What states are seeing the huge spikes?

Spikes lol.

In reading the panic porn it’s easy to get the idea FL is being ‘ravaged’ by COVID until you look at some prime sources [media is beyond useless, for the most part] and see that it’s not as bad as it sounds. Or is it ‘being made to sound’?

The link from Miami-Dade county shows that ICU’s are running at two-thirds capacity *not counting* beds that can be converted. An ICU or even a bunch of them, running at two-thirds capacity, isn’t ‘news’ in virtually any circumstance. What do people think critical care units are used for? Any ICU that isn’t running around 50% capacity is probably losing money. Any lower than that, and they’re going to start sending some 40-$50/hr critical care staff home to get them off the clock.

At any rate, this means hospitals in Miami-Dade are weathering the storm. It follows that DeSantis didn’t make ‘a bad decision’ in opening up, since he had the good sense to weigh the COVID risks against the ugly and myriad consequences of staying locked down.

A concept Democrat governors struggle with.
Spikes lol.

In reading the panic porn it’s easy to get the idea FL is being ‘ravaged’ by COVID until you look at some prime sources [media is beyond useless, for the most part] and see that it’s not as bad as it sounds. Or is it ‘being made to sound’?

The link from Miami-Dade county shows that ICU’s are running at two-thirds capacity *not counting* beds that can be converted. An ICU or even a bunch of them, running at two-thirds capacity, isn’t ‘news’ in virtually any circumstance. What do people think critical care units are used for? Any ICU that isn’t running around 50% capacity is probably losing money. Any lower than that, and they’re going to start sending some 40-$50/hr critical care staff home to get them off the clock.

At any rate, this means hospitals in Miami-Dade are weathering the storm. It follows that DeSantis didn’t make ‘a bad decision’ in opening up, since he had the good sense to weigh the COVID risks against the ugly and myriad consequences of staying locked down.

A concept Democrat governors struggle with.

Isn't it interesting that we are having so many cases yet the original fears haven't panned out? Haven't run out of ventilators. Haven't overwhelmed hospitals. And we have more cases now than we did in April and May. So how did they think we would overwhelm back then?

This whole thing has been a lie and a hoax
Isn't it interesting that we are having so many cases yet the original fears haven't panned out? Haven't run out of ventilators. Haven't overwhelmed hospitals. And we have more cases now than we did in April and May. So how did they think we would overwhelm back then?

This whole thing has been a lie and a hoax

It’s a real thing but it’s being ‘hoaxed’ for political purposes.

This HCQ study is making the rounds on Twitter:

It’s a very long thread but the study goes into great detail about how HCQ doesn’t work. Except for one thing: they didn’t include Zinc.

The HCQ protocol is actually *a cocktail* of HCQ, Zinc and Arythromycin. How can anyone not know this? So, the study is interesting but basically worthless in terms of determining the efficacy of the HCQ *cocktail*.

Then we have Dr. Birx coming out and saying HCQ doesn’t work—that’s a definitive statement—but we have all of these studies going on with it. Then the OH AG had to step in and block a regulation that prohibits the use of the HCQ protocol on COVID patients.

Have you ever heard of an AG having to step in on a drug therapy involving *a very well known drug* before? I haven’t. What happened to the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship—you pro-abortion advocates?

No one, should be allowed to prevent doctors from prescribing HCQ for COVID patients so long as *the doctor* deems it safe for the patient and is willing to take responsibility if it’s not.

There’s some serious bullshit going on.
We know why the dufus bans people from his prediction threads, he does not want them bumped later.
I will give Don cred: I called him on a few of his predictions a while back-he manned up w/out hesitation........
"Now that the President has outlined a plan to open up the economy look for HUGE spikes in reported deaths out of democrat enclaves like NY, NJ, MA, CT and MI. Wouldn't surprise me if you see many of them go back like Deblahblah did in NYC and say "I think they were COVID19 deaths. They had a fever and even though we didn't test them for COVID19, there is no way it could have been any other virus. None whatsoever"

I know these people better than they know themselves
" - April 17, 2020

What states are seeing the huge spikes?

HUGE spikes? Barely 1% of the population have tested positive. .039% have died due to pre-existing conditions exacerbated by the COVID. Deaths per million are below the UK.

Yet shrill, America hating, lying leftist loons like you continue to demand more Americans suffer for purely partisan political purposes. If you had a brain, you would be embarrassed.
