That prediction did not go well! - Teflon Don a loser.

Trump Bankrupts EVERYTHING he touches .... now he’s doing the same to a Booming Economy he was handed by President Barack Obama ...

Now Democrats have to do what they always do, Fix Republican Fuck Up’s

Your brain is bankrupted. You should see a mental health specialist about that severe case of stupid and TDS you appear to have. :palm:

The only a geriatric dementia WHITE PRIVILEGED dude like Biden will see the oval office is as a guest. ;)
"Now that the President has outlined a plan to open up the economy look for HUGE spikes in reported deaths out of democrat enclaves like NY, NJ, MA, CT and MI. Wouldn't surprise me if you see many of them go back like Deblahblah did in NYC and say "I think they were COVID19 deaths. They had a fever and even though we didn't test them for COVID19, there is no way it could have been any other virus. None whatsoever"

I know these people better than they know themselves
" - April 17, 2020

What states are seeing the huge spikes?

LOL. I wouldn't take the word of political extremists on anything much less the ones who are a partner or two short of a square dance.
I accept your concession

Says the guy who posts threads then bans anyone who might disagree with him:
Now that the President has outlined a plan to open up the economy look for HUGE spikes in reported deaths out of democrat enclaves like NY, NJ, MA, CT and MI. Wouldn't surprise me if you see many of them go back like Deblahblah did in NYC and say "I think they were COVID19 deaths. They had a fever and even though we didn't test them for COVID19, there is no way it could have been any other virus. None whatsoever"

I know these people better than they know themselves

**Full Thread Ban in effect as I don't care what idiot leftists think about this issue and it is not open to debate**

OMG, could you be more of a snowflake?

So the CHINESE virus accommodated by Phony media hysteria had nothing to do with it? :palm:

You people are mental. :laugh:

Trump caused the recession before the virus caused the country to shut down. And the reason we needed to shut down for so long is because Trump convinced his drooling idiots that it was a hoax. He also fired the Pandemic Response team before this happened which, looking back, was a hilariously terrible move.

Now go ahead and try to #deflect by name-calling. ;)
Trump caused the recession before the virus caused the country to shut down.

Again, I don't think you can post without lying your dumb ass off. Run along; I don't have time to argue with lying fools. :palm:

And the reason we needed to shut down for so long is because Trump convinced his drooling idiots that it was a hoax. He also fired the Pandemic Response team before this happened which, looking back, was a hilariously terrible move.

Another dumb lie; but violent mobs looting and burning Blue State urban shit holes did nothing to spread it right? Fucking dumb twat. :palm:

Now go ahead and try to #deflect by name-calling. ;)

Just fuck off. Arguing with lying dumbasses like you is A COMPLETE waste of bandwidth.