The 2020 BET thread - All Liberals are strongly encouraged to participate


But he'll back pedal and use the following:

Senators A & B lose there re-lections, but the right gain the majority; so he'll say "SEE Senators A & B lost their seats, so I was correct."

The only thing I regret about my post was using "two" rather than "too". The rest of my predictions stay. Democrats will definitely net gain in the Senate. The election map is against the Republicans there. Democrats will definitely keep the House. Their support is too strong.

trump will probably lose the popular vote, but might be able to eke out an Electoral College win.

There will be between a hundred thousand, and a million Americans dead from Covid-19 by election day. The economy will be beyond a recession, and into depression territory. There will be no snap back recovery.

You would think all this would destroy trump's chances, but his supporters do not care about facts.
But if you are sure that trump will win in a landslide, I will agree with you. If trump is going to win in a landslide, he does not need your help. You can go out fishing, or whatever else trump supporters do instead of working. Looking at the death statistics from opioid abuse, I am guessing that "fishing" is just code for pill popping, but it does not matter to me.

Have a good laugh at the non-trump supporters working hard to get him out of office while you are doing whatever is fun for you running up to election day. There is no need for you to work hard.
You aren't funny. More like sad and pathetic. Take the bet; after all, you think you are so smart don't you?

I can't take the bet since you restricted it to only "Liberal or Anti-Trump RINO."

Besides, even if you expanded the betters, everyone here has a very clear idea you belong in a mental institution for your own safety and the safety of others. No one wants to wake up one day and see in the news that pathetic whack job has murdered his entire family then drove around town murdering anyone that looks "too Jewish, too brown or too Liberal" before the cops blew his head off while "coincidentally" you stop posting forever. You won't be missed by anyone, even your own family, but people like me will feel sad for you.