The 3 Trillion Dollar War

We won't have to do a thing. It will happen when the gold backed dinar replaces the dollar....Americans will need a wheelbarrow full of dollars to buy a loaf of bread.

If it was just about me I am not worried WC. Most of my money is is physical gold I posess.
Well a bit over half of it.
If it was just about me I am not worried WC. Most of my money is is physical gold I posess.
Well a bit over half of it.

Very smart!
Mining stocks are nothing but toilet paper when the market shuts down. The crash of '29 taught us that in spades.
I don't ever want to hear a Con complain about federal spending, ever again.

Yeah, and I don’t want to hear one of them again, period. On any subject, but guess what? We’re both going to be hearing a lot from them, and if you think they will bother themselves to feel any shame about screaming about “deficits” and “how are you going to pay for that!” at Democrats, you know you are wrong. They are already doing it! Shame is not in a Republican’s DNA.
I don't ever want to hear a Con complain about federal spending, ever again.

id say it depends on if they are fiscally conservative. seems like we have these people in both sides

fiscal liberal social liberal (tax and spend)
Fiscal conservative social liberals (centrists/moderates)
fiscal conservative social conservative (religious right and socialists)
fiscal liberal social conservatives. (neo-cons)
id say it depends on if they are fiscally conservative. seems like we have these people in both sides

fiscal liberal social liberal (tax and spend)
Fiscal conservative social liberals (centrists/moderates)
fiscal conservative social conservative (religious right and socialists)
fiscal liberal social conservatives. (neo-cons)

Name more than one or two "fiscally conservative" repupublicans in public office, who've had the balls to say, well...maybe it was a mistake to spend 3 trillion dollars on iraq and invade it.
while the pubs have certainly lost there ownership of financial conservativeness. i dont see where its automatically awarded to the dems. both sides have serious spending problems and dems have NOT demonstrated any financial conservative leadership when in the position to do so..
while the pubs have certainly lost there ownership of financial conservativeness. i dont see where its automatically awarded to the dems. both sides have serious spending problems and dems have NOT demonstrated any financial conservative leadership when in the position to do so..

Yeah but the Republicans lied about it.
No one believed the Dems were fiscally conservative.