The 47th Follies: legal fascism


Shaken, not stirred!
Right after 9-11 in 2001, our Congress (minus 3) voted in the PATRIOT ACT. This essentially gave our national security agencies to the power to literally snatch Americans off the streets and out of their homes, then whisky them away to an undisclosed location indefinitely for "questioning". No reason had to be given for at least 48 hours to anyone. Within the next 2 years you had the creation of "Homeland Security", an amalgamation of the FBI, NSA and CIA that was given STASI like powers in conjunction with the Patriot Act.

A whole lotta crap went down after that, focusing on Guantanamo Bay and hundreds of "detainees". But for the most part the MSM did a nice job over the years of pushing the notion that all this just affected "suspected terrorist" and that all that are left are the "really dangerous' characters.

But now we see a 30 yr. old grad student with a green card (Mahmoud Khalil) getting the old treatment due to his organization skills regarding Columbia University campus protests over the actions of Israel's genocidal actions against the Palestinians.

So far, there are a LOT of accusations and assertions by those defending the action ... but to date no valid, documented proof that Khalil was promoting/fronting for HAMAS. In fact, besides being nabbed in New York, it's discovered he's being held in Virginia (no explanation).

That's right, no protection via the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or the local/federal. The government will let you know whether he is guilty or not.

I hear the approving laughter of the ghosts of Suharto, Franco, Pinochet, Pahvil, Gobbels, Stalin, Somoza, Hussein, and a host of others.

Remember America, either YOU or someone you know voted for this.