The abortion issue...


If the fathers had say so, there would be EVEN MORE abortions...

I say this because we have gone from a society where 10%-15% of our children were born out of wedlock, and now in the USA 45% of all babies are born out of single mothers...who have the guts and the strength to rear their children on their own.

Women are now choosing to KEEP their babies even though the fathers are SHIRKING their responsibilities MORE THAN EVER!


You fail constantly to recognize that it is the men of our society that YOU should be focusing on, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO REDUCE ABORTIONS.(oh sure, u can give an example here or there where the guy does want the child, but it doesn't even register as a percent of the ones that want no part of having a child.)

Why don't you address the issue that causes women to have abortions?

And please tell me if sex outside of marriage is deemed morally OKAY with you as long as birthcontrol is being used? And this has nothing to do with religion, again as you have told me a thousand times.

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"Science in EVERY MANNER differentiates between a born human and an unborn human, a born animal and an unborn animal, a born bird and an unborn bird.

Are you denying Science on the one hand yet trying to use it on the other.

And at the same time are you denying religious ethics of someone while allowing your OWN personal ethics for you to come to some of your OWN conclusions or what you are calling logic? I thought that was what Athiests do?

I would say that is hypocritical, no super?"

Care... what is with you?

You seem a bit irrational which is odd for you. I clearly said that science dictates that the unborn child is just that.... a child. I also said the debate is whether or not the unborn child should be entitled to basic human rights. I believe that it should be, but can understand how some may be opposed to that.

I never denied your right to use religion, I just said it was not necessary to bring religion into this issue. It doesn't mean you cannot do so, it just means you do not NEED to do so. (my opinion)
She was human and allowing her to die, was the humane thing to do. People die, its a fact of life. Trying to prevent death at all costs is inhumane.

Thank you Jarhead. The argument was, whether Terri was a person, and clearly you admit she was a person. That was the only reason she was mentioned here, and you are entitled to your opinions on what happened to her, I just wanted to clarify that particular point, that Terri was indeed a human being, and not some other form of life, as suggested by Ornut.

If the fathers had say so, there would be EVEN MORE abortions...

I say this because we have gone from a society where 10%-15% of our children were born out of wedlock, and now in the USA 45% of all babies are born out of single mothers...who have the guts and the strength to rear their children on their own.

Women are now choosing to KEEP their babies even though the fathers are SHIRKING their responsibilities MORE THAN EVER!


You fail constantly to recognize that it is the men of our society that YOU should be focusing on, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO REDUCE ABORTIONS.(oh sure, u can give an example here or there where the guy does want the child, but it doesn't even register as a percent of the ones that want no part of having a child.)

Why don't you address the issue that causes women to have abortions?

And please tell me if sex outside of marriage is deemed morally OKAY with you as long as birthcontrol is being used? And this has nothing to do with religion, again as you have told me a thousand times.


And that’s where you get to the misogyny inherent in so many anti-choice males. You see it in Dixie’s statements all of the time, but he is far, far from alone.

“So that women can murder their babies” “Serial killers” “Baby killers”.

This is the mythicization of the pregnancy crisis. The woman discovers to her horror that she is pregnant. Being cold, calculating, and uncaring, she makes immediate plans to “murder” “her baby”. When the father finds out, he is shocked and appalled, and gets down on his knees to hang onto her legs as she walks out the door to the abortionists. “Please don’t kill my baby” he pitifully pleads, “I”ll take care of it, I’ll pay for everything, you won’t have to do a thing.”

And in the real world, every day, scared young women become pregnant, and hopeful, tell their lovers, only to hear the bad news. “We can’t have it now”. “Some day, but not now”. Or, simply “get rid of it”.

But this does not serve the myth of the feminist baby-killer, and so, woman-haters like Dixe, and there are so many of them, cling to this fairy tale.