The Age of Consent In Washington D.C. Is Sixteen.

I dont think, from the emails I read, Foley has committed any crimes. He has done something I belive to be unethical, morally wrong, and harmfull to children, but I dont think it was criminal, at least not yet.

See? Much wrath. Heaps and heaps of it.

I'm not so judgmental, myself. We're all guilty of hypocrisy now and then, in my view. The fact is, though, that my reaction and the reactions of those like me don't matter an iota in this instance. As previously noted, I'm not of Foley's constituency. Indeed, he and his have done their level best to exclude, marginalize and revile me and mine for the past twelve years. Now they're stuck with only those who love judgment and smiting people as spectator sports. Those who regard compassion as the eighth deadly sin.

Isn't it ironic? :D

Hey, there is nothing wrong with a little "righteous indignation" occassionally. As for the "wrath...heaps and heaps of it" after 6 years in Bush Hell that was there just waiting, like anxiety turned to fear, for an appropriate outlet. And damn if one didn't appear, a little late but at least it finally reared its ugly head. And I think at this point it doesn't really matter whether what Foley did was strictly illegal or not. If it was Bush might be getting a law passed making it retroactively legal anyway. But given all the real harm this administration has wrought one can only celebrate this serendipitous turning of the worm. It's time things evened out a little matter what form the leveler takes, I'll take it.