The allegory of the cave

I'd rather talk about Socrates. A man killed for thought crimes. Chilling. That's more interesting.

THe allegory of the cave is a waste of time as usually discussed. Reality is pretty basic. The question is: Why are we chained in a cave?
How many upon seeing the light would return to the cave and their known way of esitance out of fear of the unknown?

Also out of fear of being different and the inherent need to belong to and follow the pack?

Few can truely stand alone. Otherwise we would not need churches, Political parties, etc.
Allegories are generally terrible ways to understand reality.

Reality is obvious. It's not a cave. There's no higher point of reality that we are not yet reaching and can't see because we haven't reached Nirvana or something. Certainly there are things we don't understand, but that's a different concept entirely.
Allegories are generally terrible ways to understand reality.

Reality is obvious. It's not a cave. There's no higher point of reality that we are not yet reaching and can't see because we haven't reached Nirvana or something. Certainly there are things we don't understand, but that's a different concept entirely.

reality is not obvious, we can only detect what we are able to with the sense we have.
reality is not obvious, we can only detect what we are able to with the sense we have.

One thing is obvious about reality. We do not all perceive it the same way.
Perception of reality dpeends on more than just the physical senses.
reality is not obvious, we can only detect what we are able to with the sense we have.

It's pretty obvious in a lot of ways. People who insist on loads of complexity, are just trying to jusify a need for EXPERTS, paid liars, paid to say a lot of stupid shit.
Reality doesnt care if we understand it.

We try our entire lives to understand it and will only know a part of it.

Always question authority, always question your current beliefs and always be willing to learn and change your opinion.

For man with his quart jar standing in a universe with a gallon of information to learn its the quest for knowledge that matters most.