The allegory of the cave

It's pretty obvious in a lot of ways. People who insist on loads of complexity, are just trying to jusify a need for EXPERTS, paid liars, paid to say a lot of stupid shit.

Its people like you who are most trapped.

You thirst to be one of the ONLY ones who know the real truth and refuse to learn anything new.

Maybe its not your message that everyone has such a hard time with, maybe its how you state your "cause".
Its people like you who are most trapped.

You thirst to be one of the ONLY ones who know the real truth and refuse to learn anything new.

Maybe its not your message that everyone has such a hard time with, maybe its how you state your "cause".

the only thing you ever learned was to listen to authority figures. It shows in your level of stupidity and inability to think for yourself. Sometimes you get close to doing it, but then you lapse into mindless Democrat Party worship. It's all you know.
your a poo poo face.

Oh look at the scary shadows on the wall , they are all out to get us.

Damn at least some people think the shadows are nice.

Its a real reflection of whats inside you Azz.

Its a dark, dark world in there huh?
your a poo poo face.

Oh look at the scary shadows on the wall , they are all out to get us.

Damn at least some people think the shadows are nice.

Its a real reflection of whats inside you Azz.

Its a dark, dark world in there huh?

No. Not at all. It's a happy place, a vision of something better. Of course, you spend half your time convincing yourself that the "lesser of two evils" is the best we can do.
Philosophy is useless exercise in word redefinition, and capitalizing random words to give them an imagined significance. Truth, Beauty, Honor, The Good, Bathtub, Toast... etc..