The American Dollar

It totally does matter if currency is real or not. Just because we're used to a public agreement about what token shall be used for legal tender doesn't mean fiat money is somehow justified. We agreed to trust money initially because it was backed by SOMETHING OF ACTUAL VALUE, we're just in that habit, but that doesn't justify the absurdity, totalitarianism, and slow theft through inflation which are the inevitable results of a fiat currency system.
Ohh well after all this US triggered investment debacle dies down some, the world will not be using the dollar nearly as much.
Friedman didn't support the gold standard and thought it as inpracticale. He supported a fixed monetary growth of about 4% a year.

Nobody supports the gold standard on the record. Their careers are funded by the university system of the military industrial complex. On the record they advocate the massive statist power of being able to create wealth.
People have seemed to long forgotten that money - even if backed by precious metals - is still nothing more than an invented symbol to ease trade. The factor that allows fiat money the corrupting influence it has is we treat money itself as having real value. Money does not have real value. Gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, etc. are pretty to look at, but their value is also artificially induced as traditional means of backing currency.

When a society gets back to the real meaning of money instead of treating money as real value, then they will achieve a long standing and stable economy. That society will also then be able to achieve much more in the way of advancements because the measure of worth will be based on real resources and not an arbitrary number of monetary units (or ounces of semi-rare metals.).