Scut Farkus
Wrong again.Yuppies were Gen X'ers that obsessed over material posessions in the 80's.
Wrong again.Yuppies were Gen X'ers that obsessed over material posessions in the 80's.
Wrong again.
The term "yuppie" came into use during the 80's. The young adults and teenagers (I suppose youth was misleading) were being targeted with the term. These people were born in the 60's, and were offspring of the Kaboomers. Hence, they were Gen X'ers.
When it came in to use does not effect it's meaning. There are new yuppies driving into the metro areas for their high powered careers as we speak. They're not all gen x ers.
In fact, gen x ers aren't even young anymore.
Yes, and also the idea that globalization lifts all ships. These corporate leaders are generally of a certain generation. So, Im right again.
The Gen X'ers move into the world of finances and invent new ways to "make" money and look what happened....
Gen X'ers with MBA's are dangerous.