You're trying to create a scenario in your mind to justify positions you hold with the economic facts
You haven't provided any economic facts, even when prompted to do so!
An "economic fact" would be what baseline revenues you're using to determine this liability. Or the period of time you're looking across. Both pieces of information are necessary to determine the truthfulness of the position.
Both are HUGE parts of the equation that you're leaving unspoken. it's basically, "take my word for it, or rather, take someone else's word for it because I can't be expected to do the work necessary to know if I'm being bullshitted to or not".
We can't examine the truthfulness of your claim unless you provide the context in which you're making the claim.
I think even you recognize this, but your fucking ego is just not letting you admit it. As always, it comes down to you and your shitty ego. Like a broken fucking record.