The animals of Islam...

Yes dixie. Because our interventionism is not noble. It's to open up markets for multinational corporations.

The best thing we could do for humanity is to stop incentivizing prison labor by stopping buying from dictatatorship nations who dehumanize their own citizens.

No, the best thing we could do is to stand united in our principles of liberty and freedom for all, and accept nothing less. Perhaps one of the ways we do this, is by boycotting dictatorships and human rights violators like China? But I really don't think that matters to them, as the Russians will surely take up the slack, as they have done the past century. I think it takes a willingness to commit US armed forces if we need to, and send the message we will not tolerate this shit. Sorry if that is "unpopular" or politically incorrect, but I really don't think tyrant dictators understand anything else.
No, the best thing we could do is to stand united in our principles of liberty and freedom for all, and accept nothing less. Perhaps one of the ways we do this, is by boycotting dictatorships and human rights violators like China? But I really don't think that matters to them, as the Russians will surely take up the slack, as they have done the past century. I think it takes a willingness to commit US armed forces if we need to, and send the message we will not tolerate this shit. Sorry if that is "unpopular" or politically incorrect, but I really don't think tyrant dictators understand anything else.

But observable reality shows that our values are degrading the human condition. Because our LIBERATION means subjugation under the international system, slave labor, and a race condition to the bottom.

You really don't believe in standing up for anything besides profit. And your weak arguments that "someone else will just do it if we don't", is just that, weak.
You haven't done shit. Glad you admitted that.

I didn't admit anything. I told you what I HAVEN'T done.

I opposed Iraq because inspections were working, Bush was lying and it was an unnecessary war. Being an American does not mean blindly following everything your leaders tell you; in fact, being an American is antithesis to that. I wonder how the 4 million refugees & hundreds of thousands of innocent dead Iraqis feel about your brave efforts to secure their liberties?

First of all, inspections weren't the issue, Saddam was brutalizing his people. Inspections weren't going to liberate one single solitary Iraqi citizen, no matter how long we did them. Bush never lied about a damn thing, he told you what his intelligence told him, and your rhetoric about an "unjust war" is tired and old, and I don't feel like debating it anymore, it's not the point either. Saddam was still brutalizing his people, and denying them freedom and liberty. His sons routinely raped and tortured women, gays were routinely killed or put into concentration camps, and people who even hinted at opposition to Saddam's brutal regime, were fed into wood chippers. You are on record with your principles, you were okay with this, it was fine with you to allow this to continue, as long as we didn't have to get involved. Don't know how the dead people feel, I suspect they don't feel much since they are dead. It's a shame that for liberty and freedom to prevail, some people have to die, I wish that didn't have to be the case, but it's not a reason to avoid fighting or freedom and liberty.

As for "liberals don't generally put themselves in harm's way," you kind of sound retarded when you say that. To start with, you are doing a great disservice to liberal members of our military. Second, you are really ignoring so many volunteer efforts on foreign soil throughout history. It's clear you don't know about these, and are doing your usual thing of confidently asserting your righteousness regarding something about which you have no clue, but that's par for the course.

There are no liberals in the military. At least not liberals like you! The ones who are there, are standing and fighting for the principles they claim to have, unlike you. As for 'volunteer efforts', there you go again with the "efforts" you like to trumpet. I guess you can claim to have principles as long as you can call something an "effort" and pretend it made a difference, huh?

Also, you switched your argument, since you were originally castigating me for not being "willing" to send others to fight Islamo-facism, which would seem to exclude the initial Iraq invasion. Now, you're doing your other usual thing of hopping all over the place, trying to argue one thing while using something you argued against only a few posts before. You're flailing, and pathetic, and realize somewhere beneath the insanity that your whole strawman of "liberals don't fight for their principles" is just that.

As always, I am SO glad I am not you. You're truly certifiable.

Damn, what a convoluted mouth full! I've not switched a damn thing. I have said all along, Liberals like to talk about protecting women's rights, gay rights, etc., but when it comes to actually doing something about it, their extent is to talk... (or make an "effort" by writing a check.) You have revealed several things in this dialogue; first, there is an insidious prejudice regarding liberalism... you believe in these rights for people here in the US, but not elsewhere. Second, you are more opposed to war than fighting for what is right. Third, this is about political popularity for you, and your principles take a back seat to that.

I'm glad you're not me too! That would be really weird!
I should have stopped reading here: "First of all, inspections weren't the issue"

But for some reason, I kept going until I got to: "There are no liberals in the military."

I'm not going to continue to waste time trying to argue with someone who just lies & makes up whatever he (it?) needs to. As usual, you make me sick, speaking with unabashed self-righteousness about the deaths of others.
But observable reality shows that our values are degrading the human condition. Because our LIBERATION means subjugation under the international system, slave labor, and a race condition to the bottom.

No, liberation precludes subjugation and slavery, sorry... two different things. I won't get into a debate with you over "international systems" and "the corporate machine" or whatever blather you are spewing about today, the bottom line is, capitalism is a part of freedom and liberty.

You really don't believe in standing up for anything besides profit. And your weak arguments that "someone else will just do it if we don't", is just that, weak.

No, I am really not concerned with profits. Wars generally cost a tremendous amount of money and resources, and profits are not the result. Now, freedom and liberty DO bring about prosperity, and that generally produces profits, but that is a secondary issue, my primary concern is the freedom and liberty.

As for my argument "someone else will just do it if we don't"'s not weak, it's a fact. Look at any economic boycott the US has ever implemented in modern times, and you will find the Soviets filling the gap. That's reality dude!
No, liberation precludes subjugation and slavery, sorry... two different things. I won't get into a debate with you over "international systems" and "the corporate machine" or whatever blather you are spewing about today, the bottom line is, capitalism is a part of freedom and liberty.
Our liberations do mean slavery.

You won't engage on the internationalist fascist debate because you lose everytime. Good call. Now scurry away, twatty coward.
No, I am really not concerned with profits. Wars generally cost a tremendous amount of money and resources, and profits are not the result.
They are for the multinationals who swoop in and turn the population into slaves.
Now, freedom and liberty DO bring about prosperity, and that generally produces profits, but that is a secondary issue, my primary concern is the freedom and liberty.
obviously it isn't.
As for my argument "someone else will just do it if we don't"'s not weak, it's a fact. Look at any economic boycott the US has ever implemented in modern times, and you will find the Soviets filling the gap. That's reality dude!

it's weak.

Boycotts work. Consider the destruction of South Africa apartheid.