The Art Institute of Chicago Has Put 50,000 High-Res Images from Their Collection Onl

When I travel abroad I try to visit a countries four most significant cultural institutions. Their Museums, Their Churches, Their Restaurants and their Cat Houses.

That is why France is the cultural center of the world. Most countries do well in one or even most of these categories but France does all four exceptionally well. Viva La France!

Alright Mott, I am agreeing with the order in which you do things. We will countries out of this..........!
When I travel abroad I try to visit a countries four most significant cultural institutions. Their Museums, Their Churches, Their Restaurants and their Cat Houses.

That is why France is the cultural center of the world. Most countries do well in one or even most of these categories but France does all four exceptionally well. Viva La France!
I would add libraries, too. I like libraries, old libraries.
That's what scares me about visiting London. I have friends who have been there and never saw much other than the inside of museums. I could probably spend a month at London's Museum of Natural History.

Same with The Smithsonian here in the US. I have yet to visit it but I've been told plan on 3 days to a week if you want to appreciate the entire scope of it. One day simply isn't enough.

I've been to the Smithsonian, thirty years ago but didn't have enough time to do it justice. I was in the Natural History Museum recently, they've built an annex and moved a lot of stuff around. I found it a bit confusing but that's probably because I was so used to the old layout. I just love the Science Museum, truly brilliant, never tire of it.
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Yes you have. Maybe you are over due an erotic adventure? Oui?

I sent my youngest son to both piano and French lessons when he was seven. I told him, in jest, that if the worst came to the worst he'd always get a job playing piano in a Parisian bordello. But he chose instead to go into IT, just like his brother.
I sent my youngest son to both piano and French lessons when he was seven. I told him, in jest, that if the worst came to the worst he'd always get a job playing piano in a Parisian bordello. But he chose instead to go into IT, just like his brother.
Dumbasses! ;)

My father used to tell me something similar. He said he'd be more proud of me if I became a male cheerleader in college than a football player.