The art of mathematical argument

Language is a code.

That seems nebulous and ill-defined.

Fibonacci numbers are present in natural systems, Euler's number is present in wildlife population dynamics, Pi is an intrinsic property of Euclidean space.

Words are just made up sounds which do not actually have any reality outside of human convention.

Equating math strictly speaking with human language doesn't really cut the mustard.
One hypothesis

What's the Universe Made Of? Math, Says Scientist

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Scientists have long used mathematics to describe the physical properties of the universe. But what if the universe itself is math? That's what cosmologist Max Tegmark believes

In Tegmark's view, everything in the universe — humans included — is part of a mathematical structure. All matter is made up of particles, which have properties such as charge and spin, but these properties are purely mathematical, he says. And space itself has properties such as dimensions, but is still ultimately a mathematical structure.
What's the Universe Made Of? Math, Says Scientist

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Scientists have long used mathematics to describe the physical properties of the universe. But what if the universe itself is math? That's what cosmologist Max Tegmark believes

In Tegmark's view, everything in the universe — humans included — is part of a mathematical structure. All matter is made up of particles, which have properties such as charge and spin, but these properties are purely mathematical, he says. And space itself has properties such as dimensions, but is still ultimately a mathematical structure.

Can the universe exist without structure?

There is a school of thought that somewhere else it exists beyond our reach or comprehension.
Can the universe exist without structure?

There is a school of thought that somewhere else it exists beyond our reach or comprehension.

There are something like 21 universal constants defining the structure of the universe, and these constants are purely mathematical - they are only known by experimental observation, and cannot be derived from first principles.

I heard a theory that the reason the gravity is so weak relative to electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak force, is because gravity is impinging on our Universe, bleeding into it as it were, from other dimensions or universes.
There are something like 21 universal constants defining the structure of the universe, and these constants are purely mathematical - they are only known by experimental observation, and cannot be derived from first principles.

I heard a theory that the reason the gravitational force is so weak relative to electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak force, is because gravity is impinging on our Universe, bleeding into it as it were, from other dimensions.

That's a weird theory.

I don't think the gravitational force is a real force. Hear me out. It is not a force in the sense that the other 3 fundamental forces are.

It's the structure of space-time continuum that makes it appear to be a force. One of Einstein's thought experiments involves elevator and train.
That's a weird theory.

I don't think the gravitational force is a real force. Hear me out. It is not a force in the sense that the other 3 fundamental forces are.

It's the structure of space-time continuum that makes it appear to be a force. One of Einstein's thought experiments involves elevator and train.

Right. Gravity is a geometry, not a force.
As I understand it, a grand unification is going to require a verifiable theory of quantum gravity


Gravity is just an acceleration.

Ever been in a tilt a whirl or a spinning carnival ride? Your weight increases. But there is no actual gravitational force there.
Then you don't understand what code means. Any meaningful information.

That is such a nebulous and ill-defined definition as to be almost useless.

Photons carry information. DNA carries information. Photographs carry information. Radio waves and electromagnetic energy carries information. Art conveys information.