The Assassination of Julius Caesar

Hmmmmm ....
No one on Red Team wants to discuss what Lead Dog Grind has brought up? WAIT! Let me guess, ............ Fox News hasn't handed out Talking Points yet.
Apparently, as an educated Roman. Caesar didn't actually say, 'Et tu Brute' - being an educated Roman, he spoke Greek.

you do realize that just because some ancient romans COULD speak greek, that didn't mean they never spoke latin, and that latin wasn't still their daily language, correct?
please stop sperging out

Dear Leader of Red Team,
Dude, I channeled you on this. Trump is like Julius Caesar, wanting to be a King. The Senators had no choice but to remove him. Of course, our today Senators have no balls for this, so it is left up to the Generals.
You have cast out your thoughts to Red Team to see who will join you in this modern day Conspiracy, I applaud you.
Unfortunately, your testosterone deprived Followers have not taken up the Cause of Overthrow.

1. Very shrewd the way you presented this.
2. Timely.
3. You are a True Leader.
4. Possibly your Subjects are too stupid to connect the dots?

Dear Leader of Red Team,
Dude, I channeled you on this. Trump is like Julius Caesar, wanting to be a King. The Senators had no choice but to remove him. Of course, our today Senators have no balls for this, so it is left up to the Generals.
You have cast out your thoughts to Red Team to see who will join you in this modern day Conspiracy, I applaud you.
Unfortunately, your testosterone deprived Followers have not taken up the Cause of Overthrow.

1. Very shrewd the way you presented this.
2. Timely.
3. You are a True Leader.
4. Possibly your Subjects are too stupid to connect the dots?


Too little, too late, but, so so glad that Caesar got fucking stabbed like that. If that could have previously happened to Marius and Sulla, things might have worked-out better.
Too little, too late, but, so so glad that Caesar got fucking stabbed like that. If that could have previously happened to Marius and Sulla, things might have worked-out better.

caesar ruled. The senators were the deep state oligarchs of the day. Hail caesar.