The assault on Family Values continues


Will work for Scooby snacks
Pat Robertson's got his work cut out for him: The War on Christmas; Hugu Chavez; and German paganism.

German politician says marriage should last just 7 years

BERLIN (Reuters) - Bavaria's most glamorous politician -- a flame-haired motorcyclist who helped bring down state premier Edmund Stoiber -- has shocked the Catholic state in Germany by suggesting marriage should last just 7 years.
Pat Robertson's got his work cut out for him: The War on Christmas; Hugu Chavez; and German paganism.

German politician says marriage should last just 7 years

BERLIN (Reuters) - Bavaria's most glamorous politician -- a flame-haired motorcyclist who helped bring down state premier Edmund Stoiber -- has shocked the Catholic state in Germany by suggesting marriage should last just 7 years.


That's fabulous!
I agree Marriage liscences should be required to be renewed with the consent of both parties just like all other liscences.
We seem to have a gender-based polarity here. I'm with you, Tiana. We make the vows on the basis that we'll be keeping those vows for life. That definitely influences how we proceed in the relationship.

I recognize that many marriages don't follow those vows, and there is a legal way to deal with that. For the rest of us, it isn't necessary to make that commitment a temporary thing, in fact it would be injurious.

It would be far better if people were better prepared to enter marriage, but determining what the components of that are would be impossible and would vary as much as individuals do.

Let's not replace something with something far worse.

Anyway, why is this getting so much publicity?
How many other liscences are for life ? with no renewal or anthing to keep em active ?

I think if both spouses love each other, and want to continue to stay married, having a wedding and a honeymoon every seven years sounds great. ;)
I think if both spouses love each other, and want to continue to stay married, having a wedding and a honeymoon every seven years sounds great. ;)

I think that would depend on how much you like ceremony. We both hate it, really, really hate it, so keeping things as they are suits us very well.
Thorn, maybe if the parties going into the marriage knew that it had to be renewed they would try to keep the marriage better ?

I am mostly kidding, I am oldfashioned and took my marriage wows pretty seriously. Never cheated on my 2 wives and my probably downfall was that I treated them too well.

The first one dumped me for another guy and then wanted me back 6 months later. I will write that one off to my being raised in a goody two shoes religious background. I still do not know how I picked her...

The second one was great for about 10 years , and then turned into a lazy dirty slug who spent every dime she could.

All my fault, must be ;)
I think that would depend on how much you like ceremony. We both hate it, really, really hate it, so keeping things as they are suits us very well.

I don't like formal church ceremonies. I'd keep thinking of interesting and creative places to get married: on a beach, on a sailing boat, on a mountain, etc. ;)
I don't like formal church ceremonies. I'd keep thinking of interesting and creative places to get married: on a beach, on a sailing boat, on a mountain, etc. ;)

You're a romantic. :) That's nice. We went through it once, after being together for 11 years already, and we're glad that the bureaucratic part is over and settled. It was stressful enough to go to the courthouse, even though the judge was extremely nice. My poor husband was extremely nervous; I'd hate for him to have to go through anything like that again. We're happy as we are.
Spoken like a true racer..............

We seem to have a gender-based polarity here. I'm with you, Tiana. We make the vows on the basis that we'll be keeping those vows for life. That definitely influences how we proceed in the relationship.

I recognize that many marriages don't follow those vows, and there is a legal way to deal with that. For the rest of us, it isn't necessary to make that commitment a temporary thing, in fact it would be injurious.

It would be far better if people were better prepared to enter marriage, but determining what the components of that are would be impossible and would vary as much as individuals do.

Let's not replace something with something far worse.

Anyway, why is this getting so much publicity?

Kudos...did you and the Hubby win last weekend?
LMAO...some do and some dream....

I don't like formal church ceremonies. I'd keep thinking of interesting and creative places to get married: on a beach, on a sailing boat, on a mountain, etc. ;)

I see the commie mis-information took thorn off guard...ya are good...! or to be more precise rather a bad person..
Back to the Kitties and doggies with you...or darla would also work in a pinch!
I think if both spouses love each other, and want to continue to stay married, having a wedding and a honeymoon every seven years sounds great. ;)

I disagree. It would cheapen the moment because its something you MUST do. Granted no one needs to have a ceremony in the first place let alone a 2nd or 3rd time, but to me it would cheapen it.