The assault on Family Values continues

Because, if there is a difference, then we are enshrining unequal treatment under the law in the law.

The word is "marriage." No one is forcing any religious sect to recognize marriages of which they disapprove. Catholics and Orthodox already deny the validity of civil marriages, so nothing would change for them. I don't know whether Baptists recognize civil marriage or not, but I suspect not: they're a very judgmental bunch, by and large.

Like I said, please continue with this attitude. Waste all the time and money you want... and nothing will change. Gay couples will not be allowed the same basic protections as you and I would have as long as people like you insist upon this path. All for the sake of you wanting to have it all your way.

Congratulations on helping the religious right continue to deny gay couples their rights. You are part of the problem, do try to step out of the way of the solution.
I ask you again Lorax.... if you do not see any difference in the terms marriage or cival union... then why fight the change to all government unions being called cival unions? The costs of change would be far less than the costs of continuing this fight. If it gets the problem solved... you should be for it.