The Awesomeness that is Gore

Tiana you are so bad, you're always trying to get these guys riled up with these images you subtly put out there. And i think it works, have you noticed how quiet it's gotten?

Everybody's hands on their keyboard right now!

Oh God, I didn't need the mental image of where Warren's and Dave's hands might have been prior to this post.

Tiana you are so bad, you're always trying to get these guys riled up with these images you subtly put out there. And i think it works, have you noticed how quiet it's gotten?

Everybody's hands on their keyboard right now!

LMAO! I didn't think of that!

Warren....Dave......where'd you guys go?
I love you guys. You post something in some random forum, and whenever no one responds to it in 2 minutes your like, "Dang, they're all so jealous".
I'm off the board for a bit, to go check out what I can do for the Gulliani campaign. I gotta make sure that Nazi wins....

Peace out!

